Key priority: RWInc spelling and Reading hour + consistent planning - rigorous monitoring and assessment especially in Year 1
Key priority: AR reading - quizzes and assessment weekly and termly
RWInc Nursery
RWInc - stage not age - begin in Reception
½ termly RWInc assessments
Training for staff in RWInc Nursery, RWInc and RWInc Spelling
RWInc Development Days and observations
1:1 RWInc tutoring
Fluidity of RWInc and RWInc Spelling and Reading Hour groupings, adults teaching different groups as per assessments
RWInc parent workshops
SEND and Intervention
Send and SENSS programmes
Disadvantaged children having 1:1 story time
Dorset Reading Partners x 2 (Year 2 and Year 3)
Monitoring PP children and disadvantaged children
Termly meetings with parents/carers of SEND children or disadvantaged children
Parent/Grandparent volunteers to listen to readers
Library books (2 fiction + 1 non-fiction per week)
Whole class story time daily - fiction and non-fiction to be read to the class
Staff meetings and Book Look/Deep Dive meetings to ensure consistency and reading across the curriculum
Story making - Pie Corbett + small world in EYFS to be utilised in humanities lessons
Home school communication via weekly blogs and 2 x annual parent consultation evenings
Topic books displayed and accessible in each class along with key vocabulary for topics displayed for children to read, learn and use.
A visible pride taken in each class for the care of books and their importance
Children to create a reading area in each class
Year 4 Library monitors to ensure the library books are respected and displayed with care
Children have the opportunity to read to the class or recommend books to the class