Life in the time of COVID-19 - social implications on the security and well-being of vulnerable groups in the European context

Project team

Dalida Rittossa is an associate professor at the Department of Criminal Law, Faculty of Law in Rijeka. During her academic career, she wrote a number of scientific articles in the field of Criminal Law, Criminology, Victimology and human rights and published three scientific monographies. As a hearty advocate of vulnerable groups’ rights, Ms. Rittossa has recently focused her research on issues concerning criminal legal protection of children, sexual crimes against children, rights of people with mental difficulties and privacy rights. She is a principal investigator of the Croatian Scientific Foundation project IP-CORONA-04-2086 "Life in the time of COVID-19 - social implications on the security and well-being of vulnerable groups in the European context / #COVID-19#VULNERABILITY".

Assoc. Prof. Dalida Rittossa, Department of Criminal Law, University of Rijeka, Faculty of Law, Croatia

Sanja Barić is a full professor and a head of the Constitutional Law Chair at the Faculty of Law in Rijeka as well as a rector’s assistant for study programs and institutional policies of the University of Rijeka. She is a member of the Croatian’s Ombudswoman Council for Human Rights. She served in two terms as an expert member of the Croatian’s Parliament Committee for Constitution, Standing Order and political system. Prof. Barić is author of more than 30 scientific article, has presented her research in more than 20 international conferences and is appointed visiting lecturer at the University of Osijek (doctoral program) and University of Trieste, Italy. Her scientific interest includes human rights protection, equality, civil society and comparative constitutional adjudication.

Full. Prof. Sanja Barić, Department of Constitutional Law, University of Rijeka, Faculty of Law, Croatia

Marissabell Škorić is an associate professor at the Department of Criminal Law, Faculty of Law in Rijeka. In 2015, she was appointed as a member of the Editorial Board of Croatian Annual of Criminal Sciences and Practice. Ms. Škorić is a coauthor of two university textbooks and author of a number of scientific articles. She has presented her research at more than 20 national and international conferences. Ms. Škorić has focused her research on different issues related to Criminal Law, Forensic Psychopathology and Criminology. In recent years, family violence and protection of rights of people with mental difficulties are in the center of her scientific interest.

Assoc. Prof. Marissabell Škorić, Department of Criminal Law, University of Rijeka, Faculty of Law, Croatia

Dejana Golenko, is a head librarian at the Faculty of Law in Rijeka. She has finished Postgraduate program Knowledge Society and the transfer of Information, University of Zadar (Croatia). She has published several articles about the role of academic library in education and information literacy programs and has participated in numerous conferences and workshops. Since 2014, she has been the head of the European Documentation Center as part of the Europe Direct Information Network in the European Union Member States at the Faculty of Law, University of Rijeka. She is also a member of commissions and working groups at the Croatia Library Association.

Dejana Golenko, Ph.D, Library, University of Rijeka, Faculty of Law, Croatia

Irma Kovčo Vukadin is a full professor at the Department of Criminology, Faculty of Education and Rehabilitation Sciences, University of Zagreb. She is a head of the Ethical Committee at the Faculty of Education and Rebailitation Sciences and Chief editor of the scientific journal Criminology and Social Integration. She worked at the Police College where she was Vice Dean and Head of the Police College and was a member of the National Preventive Mechanism. Prof. Kovčo Vukadin published more than 60 scientific papers and several scientific monographs and participated in more than 20 scientific projects. Her scientific interests include criminology, victimology and penology. Within this project she will conduct research with victims of intimate partner violence (IPV) and focus groups with NGO support providers in order to get an answer to the question of the experiences and outcomes of the impact of Covid-19 pandemic on IPV victims and support providers.

Full. Prof. Irma Kovčo Vukadin, Faculty of Education and Rehabilitation Sciences, University of Zagreb, Croatia

Goran Arbanas is an Associate Professor at the University of Rijeka, Department of Medicine. He is a psychiatrists, forensic psychiatrist and sexual therapist. He is the president of the Croatian Association for Sexual Therapy. His areas of interest are forensic psychiatry, sexual medicine and sexual perpetrators. Arbanas is a coauthor of two university textbooks and wrote about twenty chapters in books (including three chapters in Springer’s Psychiatry and Sexual Medicine). He is a co-author of the Croatian edition of Diagnostic and Statistical Manual for Mental Disorders.

Assist. Prof. Goran Arbanas

University Psychiatric Hospital Vrapče

Mojca M. Plesničar is a research associate at the Institute of Criminology Ljubljana and an assistant professor in Criminology and Criminal Law at the University of Ljubljana. Her research focus is decision-making in criminal justice, with a special focus on sentencing and punishment. She is fascinated by the way the criminal justice system deals with vulnerable groups: children, migrants, women as both victims or perpetrators. Within the scope of this project, she is looking at how the COVID-19 pandemic and governmental responses to it have impacted on crime rates in general, but more specifically on domestic violence.

Assist. Prof. Mojca M. Plesničar, Institute of Criminology at the Faculty of Law, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia

Francesco Trapella, born in Ferrara (Italy), 1984, graduated in Law in 2008 at the University of Ferrara. In 2013 he achieved a PhD in Public Law (criminal area) at the University of Rome “Tor Vergata”. He is a practicing lawyer who wrote around 60 publications and a monography (“Il contraddittorio dopo il giudicato”, Padova, Italy, 2018). In 2019, he edited a volume “La vittima nel nuovo mondo della mediazione penale. Profili di un’assenza” with Cristiana Valentini (Rome, Italy, 2019). From 2014 to 2019 he was a research fellow at the University of Ferrara. From 2016 he has been a visiting professor at different Italian universities (Ferrara, Padova and Chieti-Pescara). He collaborated with the European Parliament participating at the round table discussion on child welfare organised by the PETI Committee; he addressed issues related to the European public order and family offense proceedings. From 2016 to 2018 he was an Erasmus professor at the University of Ljubljana (Slovenia) and Rijeka (Croatia).

Prof. Francesco Trapella, ‘Gabriele d’Annunzio’ University, Pescara,


Maria Forsman is an associate professor at the Department of Law, Umeå University, Sweden. Her research fields include children's rights, elder law, social justice, victimology and legal ethics. She has published a scientific monograph on legal interventions for child abuse victims, and several scientific articles on topics such as legal representation for vulnerable children, the legal position of elderly and the legal dimension of social sustainability. In relation to the project, she focuses on how children’s rights and vulnerable groups are taken into account in the Swedish COVID-19 response. She conducts a critical children’s rights analysis based on materials from the government, the Swedish Public Health Agency, as well as from Nordic children’s rights NGO's.

Assoc. Prof. Maria Forsman, Department of Law, Umeå University, Sweden