

Past events

Empirical research collaboration

SOS Rijeka – Center for Nonviolence and Human Rights

Center for Citizen Initiatives Poreč: CGI - Poreč

U.Z.O.R. - The Association for Family Protection

The empirical phase of the research has been completed!

Victims and Witness Support Service Croatia – Referent Centres in Osijek and Vukovar

B.a.B.e. - Be active. Be emancipated.

NGO for victim assistance White Circle of Croatia

The Croatian Science Foundation project IP-CORONA-04-2086 "Life in the time of COVID-19 - Social implications on the security and well-being of vulnerable groups in the European context" will reach its end soon. In order to share the project research results with fellow scientists, NGOs, citizens and friends who shared the research journey with us, we decided to organize the international scientific conference, a final activity of the project of the same name.

All the information about the conference you can find at:

You can access the final conference programme + Webex links for online sessions via the following link:

You are welcome to join us on our last project journey!

7 &8 /7/2022/ #Covid-19 #Vulnerability

Our research journey has almost reached its end. The final project team meeting was a perfect occasion to look back and discuss everything what was already achieved and to summarize our project conclusions. We fairly evaluated our research outcomes and set clear guidelines for the protection of rights of vulnerable people in time of crisis under the Support Services for Vulnerable Model.

7/7/2022/ #Covid-19 #Vulnerability

6-8/7/2022/ #Covid-19 #Vulnerability

A link between the COVID-19 pandemic and sexual violence was explained in theoretical context and confirmed by the results of IP-CORONA-04-2086 empirical research. Dalida Rittossa presented a part of most recent research results in "Criminal Offences against Sexual Freedom in the Republic of Croatia – Legislative Framework and Future Preventive Actions" at the international symposium "Sexual and Gender-Based Violence and Its Prevention in Education: Exchanging Knowledge and Envisioning Positive Practices" held in Rijeka.

Rijeka Symposium_Sexual Violence Prevention Program.pdf

In order to bring the results of the project closer to the community and to make real progress in protecting the rights of vulnerable groups, the lifelong learning program "Law in the Community" was created as part of the P-CORONA-04-2086 project. Dejana Golenko presented the program at the professional symposium entitled "The Library is All Around Us: The Role of the Library in the Community and the Community in the Library", organized by the Rijeka Library Association.

1/7/2022/ #Covid-19 #Vulnerability

We have the most exciting news! Eight scientific articles have been published in the Collected Papers of the Law Faculty of the University of Rijeka. The project research team has analyzed various issues related to the protection of the rights of the vulnerable persons in the time of COVID -19 pandemic and offered precise conclusions for the crisis yet to come.

Supporting the idea of open science and bringing scientific results back to the community, the articles are fully accessible at:

30/6/2022/ #Covid-19 #Vulnerability

The COVID -19 virus and the measures taken to suppress it have increased the risk of children being exposed to cyberbullying. In her recently published paper, Irma Kovčo Vukadin emphasized that since there is no universally accepted definition of the phenomenon, it is difficult to assess the extent of the problem, and consequently, develop specific prevention measures, strategies and interventions.

30/6/2022/ #Covid-19 #Vulnerability

Child in Focus-conference proceedings.pdf

Kovčo Vukadin, Cyberbullying in the New Normal: A Global and Regional Perspective, in: Begić, A., Krišto, I. (eds.), The Second International Scientific Conference “Child in Focus – A Multidisciplinary Approach” - conference proceedings, University of Mostar, Mostar, 2022, pp. 11-31.

10/6/2022/ #Covid-19 #Vulnerability

The research carried out so far confirms that the lockdown and related measures could have generated an additional risk for sexual victimization in home settings. In her paper "The COVID-19 Pandemic as a Criminogenic Factor for Sexual Offences in Croatia" delivered at the Lancaster University Law conference, Dalida Rittossa emphasized that when comparing the 2020 pandemic year and 2019, crime in general dropped by 10,5 % while sex offences increased by 19,2 %. It seems quite plausible that the COVID-19 crisis has changed patterns of violence and abuse within the family settings.

Lancaster-University-Law-Conference-Schedule-2022 (1).pdf

9 & 10/6/2022/ #Covid-19 #Vulnerability

In order to shed light on the exact criminological potential of the COVID-19, Dalida Rittossa analyzed national criminal justice statistics for 2018 – 2020 and collected data from surveys completed by 70 family violence victims who received support and assistance from NGO professionals in Rijeka, Poreč, Split, Vukovar and Osijek. Dalida presented the results in her paper "Phenomenological Assessment of Family Violence in the Wake of COVID-19 Pandemic in Croatia – A Lesson Learned for More Resilient Society?" at the Faculty of Law in Osijek International Scientific Conference “The Recovery of the EU and Strengthening the Ability to Respond to New Challenges – Legal and Economic Aspects“.

ECLIC program 2022.pdf

Maria Forsman has examined how the social services and the police in Sweden act to protect children's rights when there is a suspicion of violence or abuse at home. Our researcher was interviewed by Swedish television, and while sharing her research results, she explained that child protection investigations are prolonged or not done at all, due to lack of staff and resources.

7/6/2022/ #Covid-19 #Vulnerability

6/6/2022/ #Covid-19 #Vulnerability

How to Understand One of Us? Known and Unknown About the Phenomenon of Child Sexual Abuse and Environmental Responses

There is broad consensus that child sexual abuse is one of the most complex negative phenomena today, with multiple long-term and short-term consequences. Sexual crimes against children are among the most serious crimes that, once uncovered, deeply and powerfully shake the environment in which the crimes were discovered. They are events that are associated with a strong need to turn one's head to the other side, to believe that they are not happening here and now, but to someone else, or that the delict in focus is an isolated, accidental incident. To stimulate the conversation about this phenomenon, we have organized, in cooperation with the Jean Monnet Inter-University Centre Opatija, an interdisciplinary research workshop for students of the Hotel Tourism School Opatija and students of the Faculty of Law in Rijeka. After the screening of the documentary film "One of Us" there was a vivid discussion with the director Đuro Gavran, Lorena Zec from SOS Rijeka - Center for Nonviolence and Human Rights, and judges Ljiljana Stipišić, LL.M. from the High Criminal Court of the Republic of Croatia and Sandra Juranović from the County Court in Rijeka.

The COVID -19 crisis has confirmed the indispensable value of information literacy programs to educate the public on how to obtain accurate information. Dejana Golenko explained this hypothesis in her paper "Information Literacy Programs in the Field of Law: Past, Present, and Future: Case Study at the Faculty of Law in Rijeka" at the conference "Digital, Media and Information Literacy in Special Libraries" at the Slovenian Ethnographic Museum in Ljubljana.

26/5/2022/ #Covid-19 #Vulnerability

During the cross-sectoral training of the Network of Support and Cooperation for Victims and Witnesses, Irma Kovčo Vukadin supported Rachel Naomi Remen’s conclusions that the expectation that we can be immersed in suffering and loss daily and not be touched by it is as unrealistic as expecting to be able to walk through water without getting wet. Irma emphasized the importance of preventive actions aimed at reducing or eliminating the indirect traumatization of professionals who work with victims and witnesses of crimes.

19 & 20/5/2022/ #Covid-19 #Vulnerability

Agenda TRAKOŠĆAN_19_20-5_2022_MREŽA.pdf

19/5/2022/ #Covid-19 #Vulnerability

The COVID-19 pandemic has put in focus the gap between reported and unreported violence. Any initiative that can help to overpass this gap and shed more light to the dark figure of crime is an important step forward to raising community safety. Thus, the project team members have supported the civil initiative "Uncover Hidden Harassment" and joined their efforts to present the Croatian version of the Safecity application. Safecity is an application to collect data on street harassment, and this initiative brings together individuals whose goal is to point out less visible forms of violence that people are exposed to on a daily basis in public spaces and to make cities safer from hidden delicts.

Predstavljanje aplikacije Safecity.pdf

16/5/2022/ #Covid-19 #Vulnerability

49th Dies Academicus the University of Rijeka Award Ceremony

In the time of need, the scientific community has a legal and ethical obligation to make a considerable and direct contribution to the community. The project team members have promptly responded to this obligation, and their effort and scientific enthusiasm has been recognised by their colleagues. On 16 May, the team received a special recognition letter by the Senate of the University of Rijeka for exceptional engagement in research during the COVID-9 pandemics.

There is no better way to start our 49th Dies Academicus than thanking those who have made significant steps forward in the past 2 pandemic years for our University, our city, the region and beyond and invested in dedicated and hard work. Acknowledgments are given by the University Senate, at the suggestion of the administration, to those who helped us all get through the last 2 years together, as well as to the winners of the Croatian Science Foundation projects from the pandemic period. You have made our lives easier.

Prof. dr. sc. Snježana Prijić Samaržija, a rector of the University of Rijeka

UNIRI Zahvalnica - recognition letter.pdf

Briški, L., Plesničar, M. M., Intimate Partner Homicide in the Times of Covid-19 in Slovenia, Lex Localis - Journal of Local Self-Government, Vol 20, No 2, 2022, pp. 455 - 478.

The most recent research results on how COVID-19 circumstances have correlated with the patterns of intimate partner homicide in Slovenia are revealed in Mojca M. Plesničar's article published in Lex Localis. After examining the recent IPH trends, Mojca analyzed all the allegedly committed IPH cases during the Covid-19 epidemic in Slovenia from reports in online media. Her research has showed that IPH are likely to have occurred with more frequency, while their patterns have not been considerably altered.

21/4/2022/ #Covid-19 #Vulnerability

23/2/2022/ #Covid-19 #Vulnerability

Think globally, act locally. In time of crisis, there is an urgent need to act and transfer knowledge in local community, Dalida Rittossa was a guest lecturer on 19th Session of the County Commission for Gender Equality. The project principal investigator talked about the global, regional and local resilience amid the COVID-19 pandemic, Dalida stressed the importance of prevention in light of resilience and explained why the implemented measures to restrain the virus could be a criminological factor significantly associated with the phenomenological oscillations in sexual crime rates.

POZIV 19. SJEDNICA - 23.2.2022_.pdf

European Law Institute Croatian Hub Webinar Series

There is a growing confusion about the true meaning of vulnerability, and nowadays, it seems that everyone and everything can become vulnerable. In order to clarify ongoing confusion, Dalida Rittossa gave a lecture on "Protection of Rights of the Vulnerable Persons in the Time of Crisis - Lessons Learned from the COVID-19 Pandemic", She explored constitutional and criminal legal standards that shape the vulnerability concept and revealed the fact who should be considered as vulnerable. Starting from the notion that a lack of maturity, mental disability and the state of dependence have been recognized as sources of vulnerability, Dalida disclosed first preliminary research results on children’s victimisation and family violence in Croatia during the pandemic.

ELI Croatian Hub_Webinar 11_Flyer.pdf

18/1/2022/ #Covid-19 #Vulnerability

Why is it important to focus on gender differences in homicide victimisation? Is there a universally accepted definition of femicide? Why are certain victims exposed to violence for years, and why is the prevention system unable to prevent the violent end of their lives? These issues are addressed in a newly published article co-authored by Dalida Rittossa and Marissabell Škorić.

Rittossa-Skoric-Abandoned and forgotten.pdf

29/12/2021/ #Covid-19 #Vulnerability

Rittossa, D., Škorić, M.: Abandoned and Forgotten? Violent Deaths of Previously Abused Female Victims in Croatia, Journal of Law and Social Sciences of the Law Faculty of University J.J. Strossmayer in Osijek, Vol. 37, No. 3-4, 2021, pp. 7-30.

27/12/2021/ #Covid-19 #Vulnerability

The COVID-19 pandemic has showed us that in time of crisis the state has an effective power to restrict citizens’ rights. In collaboration with Sunčana Roksandić from the Faculty of Law in Zagreb, Goran Arbanas has questioned legal solutions allowing the liberty restriction of two vulnerable groups, persons with mental disorders, and persons suspected of suffering from, or suffering from infectious diseases in Liječnički vjesnik paper.

Arbanas, G., Roksandić, S., Ain’t No Justice in a Flowerbed: Similarities and Differences Between the Law on the Protection of Persons with Mental Disabilities and the Law on the Protection of Population from Infectious Diseases, Liječnički vjesnik, Vol. 143. No. 11-12, 2021, pp. 478-489.

Before a short mid-festivity break, we decided to summarize the already achieved project results and coordinate our empirical research steps at our sixth project team meeting. First papers are already published, research workshops organized, conferences attended… it has definitively been a scientific career affirming experience!

22/12/2021/ #Covid-19 #Vulnerability

14/12/2021/ #Covid-19 #Vulnerability

The Institute for Social Research in Zagreb has organized a scientific symposium "Society's Resistance: Lessons from the Croatian Context During the Pandemic" in order to disseminate findings and narratives arising from the Croatian Science Foundation projects focused on the COVID-19 pandemic and its societal effects. A group of researchers have opened discussion and shared their research results with colleagues and professionals from different scientific fields. Dalida Rittossa joined the discussion and shared a legal point of view on the notion of vulnerability and state's positive obligations towards the vulnerable.

Simpozij 'Otpor(nost) društva - lekcije iz hrvatskog konteksta za vrijeme pandemije' - IDIZ.pdf

13/12/2021/ #Covid-19 #Vulnerability

The Phenomenon of Domestic Violence in the Time of COVID-19: Vulnerability Discussion with Ivana Bodrožić

A growing body of research has already assessed the effect of the COVID-19 pandemic on family violence. Depending on the methodology and design of the research, certain studies confirm a link between the coronavirus and the increase in family violence, while others show mixed conclusions, equal prevalence, or a decrease of delinquent behaviour in focus. Regardless of different points of view, the common notion is that domestic violence is a complex social phenomenon that requires an interdisciplinary approach. We talked to Ivana Bodrožić, the author of the novel “Sons, Daughters”, about the issue of domestic violence in regular and (quasi) extraordinary circumstances.

Sensitivity of victims of intimate violence increased during the pandemic. Based on a sample of 64 shelter users interviewed, Irma Kovčo Vukadin concluded that the pandemic response measures had less impact on their personal and family functioning, but that they were more affected by psychological violence in a certain number of cases. Victims of couple violence reported mild to moderate symptoms of stress, anxiety, and depression and showed moderate to high levels of resistance in coping with their own victimization. The research results were presented at the XI Annual Online Conference of the Victimology Society of Serbia.

XI annual online conference of the Victimology Society of Serbia-Book of Abstracts.pdf

25 & 26/11/2021/ #Covid-19 #Vulnerability

24/11/2021/-/15/1/2022 #Covid-19 #Vulnerability

The Project Tolerance Poster Exhibition

On the occasion of the International Day for Tolerance, Croatian Book Month and the Year of Reading, it was our great pleasure to open the Project Tolerance poster exhibition by curator Mirko Ilić, an artist-activist who wants "to utilize the unique power of design to remind us what we all have in common". The posters are toured globally, and till now, they have been displayed in more than 40 countries. The exhibition was displayed at the Faculty of Law in Rijeka from November 24, 2021 to January 15, 2022.

24/11/2021/ #Covid-19 #Vulnerability

In Search of a Place Under the Sun With Ambassadors of Childhood with Equal Opportunities: Tolerance, Social Inclusion and Vulnerability of Children

The emergence of the pandemic COVID-19 virus has triggered a wave of detrimental social, economic and political outcomes, and numerous studies have shown that in times of crisis a special burden falls on the most vulnerable and least visible members of the community. In such circumstances, social inclusion programs and campaigns, aimed at children and parents from families living in poorer social and economic conditions, have never been more important. One of them is certainly the campaign of the Centre for the Culture of Dialogue (CeKaDe), called My Place Under the Sun, which was also supported by the University of Rijeka.

During the research workshop "In Search of a Place Under the Sun With Ambassadors of Childhood with Equal Opportunities: Tolerance, Social Inclusion and Vulnerability of Children" we talked with the authors of the book "My Place Under the Sun" Slavenka Drakulić, Rujana Jeger and Mirko Ilić. Sandra and Zoran Grozdanov from CeKaDe gave us an insight into challenges faced by children living on the edge of poverty in the time of COVID-19 and stressed the importance of children's right to equal opportunities, intolerance of poverty and acceptance and respect for diversity.

21/11/2021/ #Covid-19 #Vulnerability

Science must not remain a club for a few. In order to make project results more accessible, applicable, transparent, and responsive to the needs of both scientists and the public, Sanja Barić was a guest expert on the HRT "Sunday at 2" show. Our project researcher talked about the constitutionality of COVID-19 measures, principle of proportionality and state repression, but most of all, about the constitutional order. Sanja firmly stated that "the constitutional framework is telling us how to live well together" and "the first reaction is not repression; What should come first is education, tolerance…

8/11/2021/ #Covid-19 #Vulnerability

While the Covid-19 fourth wave threatens Europe, the constitutionality of restrictive measures was again put in focus. In order to explain the constitutional background of the measures, Sanja Barić appeared as a guest expert on major news programs. "It is to be expected that the decision of the Constitutional Court will go in the same direction as the previous ones, but all new findings should be considered and seen whether the right measure of proportionality has been achieved. I believe that the use of Covid-19 certificates will be upheld." stressed Barić.

What legal instruments are used in the Italian legal framework to protect victims of family violence? Is this implementation in line with the obligations of the Istanbul Convention? Are the protection instruments applicable in COVID -19 circumstances? Francesco Trapella has undertaken an in-depth analysis of Italian legislation in order to answer the questions raised and published the results in Cassazione penale, an Italian scientific journal.

Trapella, F., A dieci anni dalla Convenzione di Istanbul e a due anni dal Codice rosso moniti sovranazionali, vulnerabilità, garanzie difensive, Cassazione penale, Vol. 61, No. 11, 2021, pp. 3814-3840.

1/11/2021/ #Covid-19 #Vulnerability

A recently published scientific article "Changes in Child Sexual Victimization during Pandemics in Croatia" was presented by Irma Kovčo Vukadin at the 11th International Scientific Conference "Special Education and Rehabilitation Today" of the Faculty of Special Education and Rehabilitation in Belgrade.

29 & 30/10/2021/ #Covid-19 #Vulnerability

19/10/2021/ #Covid-19 #Vulnerability

EU response to the COVID-19 crisis: How to protect the rights of the vulnerable and build a more resilient Europe – An interactive workshop

Recently, the world has been facing negative consequences of the COVID-19 crisis in every segment of social life. The burden on the health system, social welfare and the economy due to the increase in the number of patients, loss of jobs, and growth of poverty are just some of the negative outcomes of the COVID-19 pandemic. In addition to social vulnerability, COVID-19 disease has proven to be a pronounced generator of individual vulnerability that can occur in any person. It has also shown that the measures introduced in order to limit the spread of COVID-19 disease have had a negative impact on the functioning of the support system for the vulnerable and led to delays in the protection of their rights. All of the above requires coordinated design and implementation of measures to protect the rights of vulnerable members of society at the local, national and regional levels. The research workshop has therefore launched a dialogue with students about their experiences during the COVID-19 pandemic and personal reflections on the role of the European Union in protecting the rights of the vulnerable and building a more resilient future for Europe.

Snježana Prijić-Samaržija

Ognian Zlatev

Dalida Rittossa

Copyright: European Commission

10/10/2021/ #Covid-19 #Vulnerability

Faculty of Law in Rijeka organized online "Rijeka Doctoral Conference 2021", and one of the sessions was dedicated to the protection of vulnerable groups and pandemic effects. Dalida Rittossa was one of the panelist who chaired the session and offered comments and question to doctoral researchers attending the conference. This was a good occasion to share a part of the IP-CORONA-04-2086 project results with young colleagues who have started their scientific research career.

RIDOC2021-Programme (1).pdf

Considering that the lives of children around the world have shifted significantly to the online space in pandemic conditions, Irma Kovčo Vukadin presented her research on cyberbullying as a plenary speaker at the Second International Scientific Conference "Child in Focus - A Multidisciplinary Approach" at the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Mostar.

7 & 8/10/2021/ #Covid-19 #Vulnerability

Irma KV-Plenary Speakers-Child in Fokus.pdf

1/10/2021/ #Covid-19 #Vulnerability

The COVID -19 pandemic has significantly affected children in a variety of ways. Irma Kovčo Vukadin has conducted an in-depth analysis of official police statistics. Irma's research confirms that the total number of sex offences against children decreased by 20% in 2020 compared to the previous year.

Kovčo Vukadin, I., Changes in Child Sexual Victimization during Pandemics in Croatia, in: Jablan, B. (ed.), 11th International Scientific Conference "Special Education and Rehabilitation Today" - conference proceedings, University of Belgrade – Faculty of Special Education and Rehabilitation, Belgrade, 2021, pp. 27-35.

Kovco Vukadin-Changes in child sexual victimization during pandemics in Croatia.pdf

The state's ability to effectively organize its social and criminal justice institutions prior to the pandemic plays a critical role in the state's protection of the rights of vulnerable groups during the Covid-19 crisis. To contribute to the ongoing discussion on the effectiveness of the state and its ability to suppress violence among intimates, Dalida Rittossa and Marissabell Škorić conducted an in-depth study of the aggravated murder of a closely related person whom the perpetrators had previously abused on the sample of all final Supreme Court judgements from 1 January 2013 to 1 June 2020. The research results are presented in the paper "Aggravated Murder of Previously Abused Victims – A Study on Sentencing Practices in Croatia", at the 3rd International Scientific Conference Legal Tradition and New Legal Challenges of Faculty of Law in Novi Sad.

29 & 30/9/2021/ #Covid-19 #Vulnerability

28/9/2021/ #Covid-19 #Vulnerability

Giornata di studio del Nord Adriatico – temi giuridici di attualità

To spread scientific thought among Italian, Slovenian and Croatian colleagues, the IP-CORONA-04-2086 project team has joined a group of scientific enthusiasts involved in the international scientific conference "The North Adriatic Scientific Colloquium - Current Legal Topics" and organised a penal session "The Role of the State in the Protection of Vulnerable People - A Step Forward Towards a More Resilient Society Against the Covid-19 Crises?". Cristiana Valentini from "Gabriele d'Annunzio" University opened the session as a special guest and warned everyone why the COVID-19 has lowered state protection of Italian prisoners’ rights and in certain cases exposed them to ill-treatment within the scope of Article 3 of the European Convention on Human Rights. Filippo Giunchedi, University Niccolò Cusano, explained why measures incorporated in the Italian criminal procedure due to Covid-19 pandemic have proved useful for continuing the trials, but, on the other hand, resulted with unwanted consequences for the principle of orality. Francesco Trapella revealed how the COVID-19 affected Italia judicial system in cases of alleged child abuse and neglect. Mojca M. Plesničar presented research results on vulnerability of Slovenian students and proposed specific support measures for academic community. Dalida Rittossa analysed in detail phenomenological oscillations of family violence misdemeanours against children and the elderly in last three years and offered further insights into their victimisation during the COVID-19 lockdown in Croatia. Sanja Barić chaired the session and drew final conclusions on state capability to protect the most vulnerable in the Nord Adriatic region.

FINAL_2021_09_20_NORD ADRIATICO 2021-2.pdf

Sanja Barić

Il ruolo dello Stato nella protezione delle persone vulnerabili – un passo avanti per una società più resiliente alla crisi Covid-19?

Francesco Trapella

Covid-19 e giustizia penale. Suggestioni europee per la tutela dei più vulnerabili

Dalida Rittossa

Dossier Covid-19 - la vulnerabilità dei bambini alla violenza endofamiliare in Croazia

Mojca M. Plesničar

La gioventù tra quattro mura: Le vittime collaterali del Covid-19 e risposte istituzionali

13-15/9/2021/ #Covid-19 #Vulnerability

September was a particularly fruitful time for project researchers. The pandemic circumstances aggravated the social and working environment of many families and caused additional stress. Irma, Mojca and Francesco decided to join the group of scholars and present their latest research findings at the 4th European Conference on Domestic Violence in Ljubljana, as they believe that scientific findings on family violence need to be heard and disseminated among professionals and the public.

Irma Kovčo Vukadin

Victim Service Providers' Secondary Traumatic Stress during COVID-19

Mojca M. Plesničar

Domestic Violence in Slovenia during the COVID-19 Epidemic

Intimate Partner Homicide and the COVID Pandemic

Francesco Trapella

Ten Years After the Istanbul Convention: Supranational Warnings, Vulnerability, Defensive Guarantees

In the wake of the new wave of COVID-19 pandemic, a public debate has been focused on the extent to which basic rights and freedoms could be further restricted. Sanja Barić has explained why the state may track employees’ vaccination status and require a Covid Digital Certificate in the public sector.

13/9/2021/ #Covid-19 #Vulnerability

Nema na posao bez Covid potvrde.pdf

Another successful day for the # COVID -19# VULNERABILITY project! Irma Kovčo Vukadin presented her recently published paper "Violent Victimization of Children in Pandemic Living Conditions in Croatia" at the VIth international scientific conference "Social Deviations", Banja Luka.

10 & 11/9/2021/ #Covid-19 #Vulnerability

There is some evidence that the COVID -19 pandemic has been shown to be a significant criminological factor. To test this hypothesis, Irma Kovčo Vukadin has examined police statistics and reached intriguing conclusions about the violent victimization of children under pandemic living conditions.

1/9/2021/ #Covid-19 #Vulnerability

Kovčo Vukadin, I., Martinjak, D., Kikić, S., Violent Victimization of Children in Pandemic Living Conditions in Croatia, in: Macanović, N. (ed.), Improving the Quality of Life of Children and Youth, Conference proceedings, Centar modernih znanja, Banja Luka, pp. 602-612.

Kovco Vukadin-Nasilna viktimizacija djece u pandemijskim uvjetima zivljenja u Hrvatskoj.pdf

26/7/2021/ #Covid-19 #Vulnerability

The vulnerability thesis is one of the most important legal concepts in contemporary legal theory. Seeking to contribute to literature on the vulnerability concept, Dalida Rittossa brings light to constitutional and criminal legal standards on vulnerability set within the current ECtHR jurisprudence and doctrine in

Rittossa, D., The Institute of Vulnerability in the Time of Covid-19 Pandemic – All Shades of the Human Rights Spectrum, EU and Comparative Law Issues and Challenges Series (ECLIC), Vol. 5, 2021, pp. 820-852.

Rittossa-The Institute of Vulnerability in the Time of Covid-19 Pandemic.pdf

Mandatory vaccination against coronavirus, if legally imposed by the parliament according to constitutional standards, is a constitutional measure. Sanja Barić revealed in detail arguments supporting this claim while she was a guest expert on Radio Rijeka "At Lunch" radio show.

11/7/2021/ #Covid-19 #Vulnerability

Before the summer break we summed up our project results and made plans for September at our fifth project team meeting. Conferences, public lectures, workshops… it is definitively going to be an exciting autumn!

10/7/2021/ #Covid-19 #Vulnerability

What are the limits of state power with respect to Covid-19 vaccination was one of the crucial issues discussed during the consultation meeting between Prime Minister Andrej Plenković, 7 ministers and Croatian legal experts. Sanja Barić attended the meeting in the role of constitutional law expert and talked about constitutional principles that govern the Covid-19 regulations and individual rights.

6/7/2021/ #Covid-19 #Vulnerability

A certain number of research studies confirmed that COVID-19 pandemic has caused numerous unwanted consequences for children. While being socially isolated due to Covid-19 measures, children are at risk of being exposed to family violence. Maria Forsman stresses that it is a criminal offence to allow children to witness violent and sexual crimes in intimate relationships.

1/7/2021/ #Covid-19 #Vulnerability


The COVID-19 crisis has had untold consequences on our health, mental well-being, educational growth, and economic stability. Dalida Rittossa explained why the COVID-19 movement restrictions and social service limitations had negatively affected the rights of vulnerable citizens on S.O.S. Radio Roža educative program.

16 & 23/06/2021/ #Covid-19 #Vulnerability

To protect rights of those who are vulnerable the mutual effort has to be made, involving citizens, scientists and experts from different fields. The research workshop "The Role of NGOs in Protecting the Rights of Vulnerable Groups in the Time of Pandemics" is a good occasion to connect, discuss and exchange experiences in the framework of lifelong learning programme – Law in Community.

14/6/2021/ #Covid-19 #Vulnerability

Program-radionica-Uloga udruga u zastiti prava ranjivih.pdf

The academic community may and should help in developing prevention programs aimed at reducing violence. With this goal in mind, Sanja Barić presented our project at the international conference "Prevention as a Means to Achieve the Culture of Nonviolence" held in Rijeka.

28 & 29/5/2021/ #Covid-19 #Vulnerability

0 program stučne konf PREVENCIJOM DO KULTURE NENASILJA.pdf

According to constitutional legal standards, persons deprived of liberty in state institutions belong to particularly vulnerable groups and demand greater state protection. Francesco Trapella shed light on the issue in his presentation "Prison Law and Vulnerability in the time of Covid-19" at the international scientific conference "Human Rights in the Regime Covid-19".

27 & 28/5/2021/ #Covid-19 #Vulnerability

YUFE Law Conference organized by the University of Bremen has showed that the institute of informed consent is gaining momentum in different fields of law. Dalida Rittossa analyzed the institute from the criminal law perspective raising a question "The Concept of Informed Consent, Sexual Offences and State of (Quasi)Emergency Due to Covid-19 Pandemics in Croatia – Is there a Need for New Criminal Law Standards?".


27 & 28/5/2021/ #Covid-19 #Vulnerability

Myths and attitudes about family violence can be an important barrier or facilitator to the successful implementation of family violence interventions. Using a sample of 334 Croatian students, Irma Kovčo Vukadin has explored these issues focusing on the implications of the COVID -19 pandemic.

Kovčo Vukadin, I., Škarica, D., Domestic Violence During the COVID-19 Pandemic: Attitudes of Croatian Students, Temida, Vol. 24, No. 1, 2021, pp. 25-54.

27/5/2021/ #Covid-19 #Vulnerability

Kovco Vukadin-Obiteljsko nasilje u vrijeme pandemije COVID-19.pdf

24/5/2021/ #Covid-19 #Vulnerability

To be constitutionally literate is highly important in the time of pandemics. The insightful conclusions on how to measure constitutional literacy and conduct research in this particular area have been drawn by Sanja Barić and her coauthors in

Barić, S., Debeljak, S., Gligora Marković, M., Constitutional Literacy as a Precondition of Civic Literacy: Constitutional Literacy Results of Higher Education Teachers in the City of Rijeka, Collected Papers of the Law Faculty of the University of Rijeka, Vol. 42, no. 1, 2021, pp. 43-69.


What is the legal notion of vulnerability? How can we define its boundaries within the human rights context? Is there an evolving trend in vulnerability standards defined by the ECtHR's judicial reasoning? In her presentation "The Institute of Vulnerability in the Time of Covid-19 Pandemic – All Shades of the Human Rights Spectrum", Dalida Rittossa talked about those issues at the Faculty of Law in Osijek conference ECLIC – "𝐸𝑈 2021 – 𝑇ℎ𝑒 F𝑢𝑡𝑢𝑟𝑒 𝑜𝑓 𝑡ℎ𝑒 𝐸𝑈 𝑖𝑛 𝑎𝑛𝑑 𝑎𝑓𝑡𝑒𝑟 𝑡ℎ𝑒 P𝑎𝑛𝑑𝑒𝑚𝑖𝑐".

20 & 21/5/2021/ #Covid-19 #Vulnerability

1/5/2021/ #Covid-19 #Vulnerability

Even though numerous studies have concluded that there is a likelihood of increase in domestic violence, Mojca M. Plesničar and her colleagues found out that domestic violence in Slovenia decreased during the pandemic with respect to statistical data collected in last ten years. The detailed study is published in:

Filipčič, K., Drobnjak, M., Plesničar, M. M., Bertok, E., Intimate Partner Violence During the Covid-19 Pandemic, Journal of Criminal Investigation and Criminology, Vol. 72, No. 1, 2021, pp. 65-78.

Plesničar et al-Intimnopartnersko nasilje v času pandemije.pdf

It is not a rare occasion that project researchers have different roles to play in their professional life. Francesco Trapella is also a lecturer and he has presented the #Covid-19#Vulnerability project results to third-year students of the Sociology & Criminology program at the D'Annunzio University of Chieti–Pescara.

30/4/2021/ #Covid-19 #Vulnerability

The Lifelong Learning Program "Law in Community" has officially started with the exhibition "All Shades of Vulnerability... ...A Motion, Sound, Image and Word in Protecting the Rights of the Vulnerable". The exhibition is a mutual endeavor of the project team members and artists of the Academy of Applied Arts University of Rijeka.

23/4/2021/ #Covid-19 #Vulnerability

To visit the exhibition.... just click:

Dejana Golenko & Dalida Rittossa

have explored the effects of covid-19 mandatory measures on protection of rights of family violence victims and existing theoretical conclusions about their information behaviour and information needs during crisis.

Rittossa, D., Glenko, D., Information Needs of Vulnerable Groups in the Time of COVID-19 – The Theoretical Framework, in: Sander, G., G., Pošćić, A., Martinović, A. (eds.): Exploring the Social Dimension of Europe, Essays in Honour of Nada Bodiroga-Vukobrat, Verlag Dr. Kovač, Hamburg, 2021, pp. 407-419.

Rittossa-Golenko-Information needs of vulnerable groups.pdf

14/4/2021/ #Covid-19 #Vulnerability

Irma Kovčo-Vukadin

has been devoted to bringing scientific thought closer to the community, particularly through her articles dedicated to general public. Her latest written work explains the definition of family violence, possible impact of COVID-19 pandemics on its phenomenological oscillations and the necessity of the involvement of official policy makers. According to Irma, "the quality of any society is reflected in providing care for its most vulnerable members".

30/3/2021/ #Covid-19 #Vulnerability

25/3/2021/ #Covid-19 #Vulnerability

Dejana Golenko & Dalida Rittossa

explained why the value of timely and relevant information is crucial in protecting the rights of vulnerable members of society and what is the role of NGO workers in providing such information during the COVID-19 pandemics. Our researchers held a public lecture at the Moise Palace in Cres.

Palaca Moise_Najava predavanja_Zivot u doba bolesti COVID-19 – vrijednos...-1.pdf

After illuminating discussion of our preliminary research results, new research tracks were designed and incorporated in the existing research path. Inspiring research enthusiasm, daring curiosity, insightfulness, team efforts and coordination leads us to conclude that the fourth project meeting was successfully completed!

9/3/2021/ #Covid-19 #Vulnerability

Brvar, B., Plesničar, M. M., Primerjalna analiza klicev na interventno številko 113 med leti 2019 in 2020, Inštitut za kriminologijo pri Pravni fakulteti, 2021.

Mojca M. Plesničar

has been tracking phenomenological shifts in crime rates (in)directly caused by COVID-19 as a criminological factor. Together with Brvar, she published in-depth analysis on 113 calls to report crime in the year 2019 and 2020 in Slovenia.

18/2/2021/ #Covid-19 #Vulnerability


Sanja Barić

explained why in the time of Covid-19 pandemics and earthquake disasters the principle of equality and social justice generate state’s positive obligations and why the idea of constitutional democracy requires educated, interested and active citizens.

21/1/2021/ #Covid-19 #Vulnerability

Sanja Baric - O nacelu jednakosti povodom katastrofalnih potresa u RH -

Mojca Mihelj Plesničar

was a guest expert on Channel A "World" discussion "Terrible consequences of the measures: The number of homicides increased by 50 percent in 2020". She revealed phenomenological oscillations in crime rates in Slovenia caused by the COCID-19 stressor and underlined the vulnerability of child victims during the lockdown period.

8/1/2021/ #Covid-19 #Vulnerability

Sanja Barić

explained why the value of our knowledge of the Constitution sufficient to invoke it properly is highly important in the time of quasi-emergency dictated by the COVID-19 pandemic. She presented the preliminary research results on constitutional literacy at the public discussion organized by the UNIVERSITAS.

22/12/2020/ #Covid-19 #Vulnerability


The third project meeting was successfully completed! This time we focused our attention on the constitutionality (or the lack) of the stay-at-home and related coronavirus orders in Croatia, Italy, Slovenia and Sweden.

21/12/2020/ #Covid-19 #Vulnerability

Sanja Barić

emphasized the value of clear procedural review mechanisms to contest measures restricting citizens' rights and freedoms during the pandemic. She presented preliminary research results on constitutional literacy on N1 "A point on the week".

20/12/2020/ #Covid-19 #Vulnerability

Dalida Rittossa

explained how we can upgrade support services for family violence victims and other vulnerable groups in the time of COVID-19. She was hosted by Tatjana Sandalj on Radio Rijeka program "The academic quarter hour" on 20/12/2020,

20/12/2020/ #Covid-19 #Vulnerability

Sanja Barić

talked about public trust, procedural guarantees and constitutional standards in extraordinary circumstances caused by the COVID-19 outbreak in Croatia. She was interviewed as a guest expert on HRT1 "The interview of the week". With a sharp precision, she explained the importance of having transparent strategy and accountability mechanism in the time of pandemics.

19/12/2020/ #Covid-19 #Vulnerability

Francesco Trapella

addressed the audience of legal professionals explaining the vulnerability context and procedural guarantees in the light of the Istanbul Convention. His insights were a valuable contribution to the Aquila Bar Association and Forensic Training School webinar "The Istanbul Convention. Judicial practice and culture of gender equality".

14/12/2020/ #Covid-19 #Vulnerability

Dalida Rittossa

talked about the value of preventive actions against violence in the time of Covid-19 pandemic with Marija Rađa from Radio Roža. 12/12/2020.

12/12/2020/ #Covid-19 #Vulnerability

Dalida Rittossa

and dr. sc. Robert Doričić from the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Rijeka, stressed how important the multidisciplinary research is in shedding light on position of vulnerable groups during the COVID-19 pandemics on a Kanal RI TV talk show "Planet RI".

7/12/2020/ #Covid-19 #Vulnerability

Irma Kovčo-Vukadin

was a program committee member of the international scientific conference "COVID-19 on the Balkans: Victimisation Patterns and Victims' Rights" organized by the Victimology Society of Serbia. She presented her research results on students' attitudes towards three different types of domestic violence - spousal violence, violence against children and violence against the elderly. She also revealed students' opinion about the impact of COVID-19 restrictive measures on the incidence of domestic violence and current social reactions to domestic violence issues.

program online konferencije.pdf

26 & 27/11/2020/ #Covid-19 #Vulnerability

MEDRI Javno predavanje_RITTOSSA.pdf

The IP-CORONA-04-2086 "Life in the time of COVID-19 - social implications on the security and well-being of vulnerable groups in the European context" Project


the HERA 1.194 "Healthcare as a Public Space: Social Integration and Social Diversity in the Context of Access to Healthcare in Europe" project

have joined forces and organized the first mutual project activity! Dalida Rittossa had explained the role of health workers in protecting rights of family violence victims in an online public lecture during the 22nd Rijeka Days of Bioethics.

26/11/2020/ #Covid-19 #Vulnerability

Francesco Trapella

explained why victims of domestic violence face a variety of difficulties to report the incident to criminal justice structures during the lockdown at the scientific colloquium organized by the Rome Bar Association "Codice Rosso: Primo bilancio dall'entrata in vigore".

25/11/2020/ #Covid-19 #Vulnerability

The Croatian Academy of Sciences and Arts, the Department of Biomedical Sciences in Rijeka and the University of Rijeka have organized an international scientific conference:


Brave new world: Democracy, rights and justice in COVID19 Era.

12/11/2020/#Covid19 #Vulnerability

Sanja Barić

addressed the audience with a speech on State of quasi-emergency, competence, proportionality, human rights, judicial control.

A view on COVID-19 through constitutional law lenses_Sanja Barić-1.pdf

Dalida Rittossa

gave a lecture on Criminal legal protection of family violence victims in the time of Covid-19 - Challenges for criminal justice system and the society as a whole.

10/11/2020/ #Covid -19 #Vulnerability

Kaznenopravna zastita zrtava nasilja u doba Covid-19 bolesti-Rittossa.pdf

The second project meeting was successfully completed!

3/11/2020/ #Covid-19 #Vulnerability

Sanja Barić

gave a public lecture "Colors in the Law: Colorblindness or Illusion of Neutrality?" and contributed to the University of Rijeka mission to spread scientific word into the community and and act as an agent of social responsibility. Sanja explained why legal norms have to be selectively neutral, descriptive and controlled even in the time of pandemics.

8/10/2020/ #Covid-19 #Vulnerability

45th Croatian Library Association Assembly: Libraries in times of crisis

The Croatian Library Association, National and University Library in Zagreb and Zagreb Library Association jointly organised the 45th Assembly of the Croatian Library Association, which was held from 7 to 10 October 2020 at the National and University Library in Zagreb. Dalida Rittossa and Dejana Golenko presented preliminary project results "The Role of academic library in community in the of pandemics: at the example of Croatian Science Foundation project IP-CORONA-04-2086".

7-10/10/2020/ #Covid-19 #Vulnerability

HKD-Skupstina-ppt.6.10.2020 - smaller.mp4

The Croatian Academy of Sciences and Arts, the Department of Biomedical Sciences in Rijeka and the University of Rijeka have organized an international scientific conference:


Advancement in Virology Research - An Opportunity to Improve International Impact of the University of Rijeka

24/9/2020/#Covid19 #Vulnerability

Dalida Rittossa

presented the project "Life in the time of COVID-19 - Social implications on the security and well-being of vulnerable groups in the European context" and its first preliminary research results on COVID-19 as a criminogenic factor in family violence cases.

Simpozij COVID FINALNO-1.pdf

Giornata di studio del Nord Adriatico – temi giuridici di attualità

The IP-CORONA-04-2086 project team organized its first penal session at the international scientific conference "The North Adriatic Scientific Colloquium - Current Legal Topics" hosted on Cisco Webex platform. Professor Cristiana Valentini from "Gabriele d'Annunzio" University opened the session as a special guest and explained why the COVID-19 is a devastating factor within the Italian penal system and source of particular vulnerability for prisoners. Laura Capraro, University of Rome, Tor Vergata, talked about obtaining statements from a vulnerable person in Italian criminal proceedings. Mojca M. Plesničar and Katja Filipčić presented their first research findings on family violence phenomenon during the first Slovenian lockdown. Francesco Trapella explained the most crucial issues related to COVID-19 as a criminological factor in home settings in Italy. Dalida Rittossa chaired the sessions and offered further insights into family violence in the time of quasi-emergency in Croatia.

21/9/2020/ #Covid-19 #Vulnerability

2020_11_17_ NordAdriatico.pdf

Francesco Trapella

Le vittime dimenticate. Vulnerabilità e violenza domestica durante il lockdown italiano

Mojca M. Plesničar & Katja Filipčič

La violenza contro le donne nei tempi del Covid-19

Dalida Rittossa

Per forza o per amore? Il fenomeno della violenza familiare al tempo dei quasi emergenza Covid 19 in Croazia

Dalida Rittossa

published preliminary project results on child vulnerability, sexual abuse and protective standards of the European Court for Human Rights.

Rittossa, D., Strengthening the Rights of Sexually Abused Children in Front of the European Court for Human Rights – A Tale of Justice, Fairness and Constant Normative Evolution, EU and Comparative Law Issues and Challenges Series (ECLIC), No. 4, 2020., pp. 529-556.

14/9/2020/ #Covid -19 #Vulnerability

Rittossa-Strengthening the Rights of Sexually Abused Children in Front of the ECHR.pdf

Dalida Rittossa

was a keynote speaker at the Faculty of Law in Osijek International Scientific Conference "EU 2020 - Lessons from the Past and Solutions for the Future". She opened the conference explaining the weakest and the strongest points of protection of the rights of sexually abused children in front of the European Court for Human Rights.

10 & 11/9/2020/ #Covid-19 #Vulnerability
