New Students
Day in the life of a 9th grade FHS student
Students New to PPS
Students Returning to PPS
Step 1: Provide the following documents
Proof of age (birth certificate, passport or similar documents)
Two pieces of address verification documents including guardian name
Examples can be found here
Immunization record
Vaccine requirements can be found here.
Unofficial high school transcript
Contact information from previous school
Specific academic plans such as ELD etc
Step 2: Complete the online registration
Go to: Online Registration Site
Click Activate Account/Reset Password
Click Create a New Account
Read the Privacy Statement and if you agree, click I Accept
Enter your account information and click Continue to Step 3
Refer to the confirmation email you should have received and follow the next steps.
Step 3: Review the FHS course guide
Step 4: Wait for communication from our registrar Sorena Dibble.
Step 1: Complete a registration form: Student Registration Form
Step 2: Provide the following documents:
2 address verification documents (more information here)
Examples can be found here
Immunization records or Oregon Certificate of Immunization Status
Unofficial transcript for 10th through 12th graders
Previous school’s contact information
Specific academic plans such as ELD etc
Contact Mirian Bermudez with any questions
503-916-5140 ext 84359