
Logging Into Maialearning

​Signing Up for College Visits in Maialearning

These sessions can be connected to your school email/Google calendar so that you can join them quickly. 

Most visits will be in-person and held in the College and Career Center. 

Adding to Your List of Colleges and Universities in Maia Learning

Linking Your Common App to Maialearning 

If you are applying to colleges using the Common App, you MUST sync it with Maia BEFORE you can request any materials, including transcripts. Follow the steps below in the order written. 

PART 1: In the Common App

PART 2: In Maialearning

Requesting Transcripts

You can request transcripts for the colleges you are applying to all at once or one at a time. 

Requesting Teacher Letters of Recommendation 

Not all college applications require recommendations. When applying to a private college, chances are you will need at least one letter of recommendation. Teacher recommendations must be requested only through Maia Learning, NOT the Common App. You can check your college "Applying List" in Maia Learning to see how many recommendations you may need for each school.  Ask each of your recommenders at least 3 WEEKS in advance if they are able to write you a letter of recommendation. Follow up with them about their progress before the deadline. Counselors will be working with students directly if they need a counselor recommendation.

NOTE: Use this process only for TEACHER requests. You can request letters from multiple teachers at once or enter separate requests. If you need a letter of recommendation from a counselor, see the information in the next section.

Requesting Counselor Letter of Recommendation

Not all colleges require a letter of recommendation. If you need a counselor's recommendation, y ou must send an email directly to your counselor and they will let you know next steps.  Please email your school counselor at least three weeks before the Letter of Recommendation is due.