
A team of PPPL scientists has won the 2016 Edison Patent Award for inventing an on-demand method to create a badly needed medical isotope used to diagnose conditions such as cancer and heart disease.

Stefan Gerhardt, principal research physicist and head of experimental operations on the National Spherical Torus Experiment-Upgrade (NSTX-U) at PPPL, has won the Fusion Power Associates 2016 Excellence in Fusion Engineering Award.

Fusion researcher Robert Goldston, a Princeton University professor of astrophysical sciences and former director of PPPL, received the 2015 Nuclear Fusion Award for the most outstanding paper to appear in the journal Nuclear Fusion during 2012.

Steven Sabbagh and Jack Berkery, Columbia University physicists on assignment to PPPL, have received the 2016 Landau-Spitzer Award for outstanding contributions to plasma physics. The biennial honor, named for Russian physicist Lev Landau and PPPL founder and Princeton astrophysicist Lyman Spitzer, recognizes outstanding research that also advances collaboration and unity between U.S. and European scientists.

Physicist Egemen Kolemen, who has dual appointments at PPPL and Princeton University, has been awarded funding from the DOE's Early Career Research Program. The grant, covering five years and totaling almost $850,000, will support research on how to monitor and control instabilities in tokamaks.

PPPL received two awards from national agencies for its green buying practices and its composting and recycling program, the latest in a long list of honors the Laboratory has received for its environmental programs over the past several years. One award was a gold Green Buy Award from the DOE for the Laboratory’s green buying program in fiscal year 2016 — the fourth such award the Laboratory has received in the past six years.

The U.S. Patent and Trademark Office and the Japan Patent Office issued a total of three patents for inventions developed by PPPL researchers in 2016.