Small Business Program at PPPL

Princeton University, in its operation of Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory, pledges a strong commitment to involving small and socio-economically disadvantaged business concerns in the operation of the Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory (PPPL). Princeton University supports the socioeconomic objectives of the U.S. Government and recognizes that diversity in subcontracting provides a vital link to the local community, strengthens the economy, and represents best business practices.

The Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory recognizes the contributions of small businesses to our economy and acknowledges and accepts the responsibility to foster and help sustain a vibrant, diverse, and economically viable business supplier community. 

It is the policy of PPPL, to extend the maximum practicable opportunity to participate in subcontracting to any 

Subcontracting opportunities are also extended to Alaskan Native Corporations (ANC) as well as Historically Black Colleges, Universities and Minority Serving Institutions (HBCU/MI).

PPPL staff who have a role in the decision process for creating and approving procurements are responsible for expending reasonable efforts to achieve our small business goals, as the development of all types of small business is a worthwhile social and business endeavor. 

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