Doing Business with PPPL

To support the Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory (PPPL) mission, the Procurement Division purchases a wide variety of goods and services, ranging from:

PPPL also manages procurements in support of the US ITER office.  ITER, formally known as the International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor, is located in France and is funded by seven member entities-the European Union, India, Japan, China, Russia, South Korea and the United States.  To learn more about the project, visit

Prospective Suppliers

Any qualified business entity can register to become a potential supplier for PPPL through the Supplier Portal. The prospective supplier registration will capture key information about the supplier. Procurement will review registered suppliers’ profiles when considering suppliers for inclusion in sourcing events for both PPPL and Princeton University.  Note: While PPPL does utilize the Princeton University Supplier Portal, the invoicing feature is not in use by PPPL. 

Supplier Onboarding

Suppliers selected to provide goods and services to PPPL will receive an invitation to complete a full profile in our Supplier Portal. Portal registration will also require payment and order information to be completed. Suppliers may update their information within the Supplier Portal at any time