Parking at Princeton

Parking near the event venue at Princeton

Please refer to the Parking Map below for a list of Princeton University parking locations.

A limited number of on-street metered parking spaces are available on a first come first serve basis. Please note these spaces are metered: M-Th 9am-6pm, and Fri & Sat 9am-9pm. On the map, Olden Street is classified as a Blue Parking Zone and metered rates for this zone are $1.00 / per hour, payable by credit card or change.

The closest public pay-by-the-hour parking decks to the event site are:

C – Park Place West Yard (0.4 miles walk)

D – Park Place East Yard (0.4 miles walk)

The full Princeton Parking map is available below:

Parking Map_09302021_202109301408224539.pdf

Maeder Hall is at the corner of Prospect Ave. and Olden Street and may be seen on the following map as indicated by the circled Green X below.

Maeder Hall Location.pdf