Alex M

Untitled document


I made this project out of paint and paper. I made this because I feel like people just focus on their day being bad,  but "There is always light in the darkness." People don't always notice the good things in their days. Outside their is light, but in the inside there is darkness. I used paint because I want to be neater at it.

I matched paint colors 

Landscape green

I matched paint

In bloom

I matched paint

water squirt

Online collage

I have an app called planner 5d where I design rooms and houses. This is a collage I made today. It is a living room for a family that loves travel and white accents with big windows. 


I made the four different seasons at different times of day

Untitled document

Egg land

I made this out of sharpie and pencils because I was kind of in the fairytale mood. 

ugly people

3 favs

These are three of my favorite things/hobbies out of sharpie.