Diversity Statement

2022 US Research Staff Training:

Diversity Statement

J-PAL values diversity and seeks to adhere to inclusive practices. We aim to provide a respectful and accessible training experience for everyone, regardless of, but not limited to, race, gender, culture, sexual orientation, disability, socioeconomic background, age, religion, and language.

We want every participant to feel welcome, included, and safe during the training. We will focus on employing “people-first” language, which emphasizes the person first, not the condition they may be experiencing. We do not tolerate harassment of training participants in any form. We will do our best to accommodate specific needs – be it accessibility or religious in nature. We cannot promise to solve every issue, however, we will try our best.

We strive, on an ongoing basis, to uphold our commitment to diversity and inclusion. We welcome any feedback you may have on how we can improve our practices. All feedback and requests can be sent to Adam Farah (afarah@povertyactionlab.org) at any time.