Stata Level Information

To determine your Stata skill level for the Logistics form (due October 14), please review the following guidelines:

Stata Training Prerequisites

Stata 101:

You have very little or no knowledge of Stata.

Stata 102:

You have some Stata experience (say in a college class) but would not consider yourself particularly comfortable with the program. You are very familiar with the following concepts:

  • Descriptive commands such as summarize, tabulate, and list

  • Conditions: if, and (&), and or (|)

  • Data manipulation commands such as generate, replace, and drop

You are likely somewhat familiar with:

  • Creating and writing do-files

  • Sorting and saving datasets

Stata 103:

You have used Stata for a major school project or in a work environment. You feel comfortable with all basic commands and are very familiar with the following concepts:

  • Locals (note: this is absolutely necessary!!)

  • The foreach command

  • Naming and labelling variables

  • Variable types (strings, numerics)

  • Importing data through use, merge and append

You are likely somewhat familiar with:

  • Loops using varlist or numlist

  • by

  • egen

Stata 104:

This is an advanced, applied, Stata class. You should be quite comfortable using Stata. You are very familiar with the following concepts:

  • Loops with varlist and numlist, as well as while loops

  • The if command (distinct from the if qualifier)

  • _N and _n

  • by

  • egen

You are likely somewhat familiar with:

  • Capture and assert

  • Saved results such as r(N), r(levels)

Stata 201:

As a Stata pro, you are already very comfortable with essential Stata concepts, such as the following:

  • Explicit subscripting

  • For-loops and macros

  • Saved results

Thus, the purpose of this course is not to train you on fundamentals like these, but instead to fill any gaps in your knowledge, to extend your deep understanding of Stata, and to present the most efficient solutions to common data tasks.

Note: If you are struggling between two levels, it is suggested you start at the lower level. The trainings are flexible, and it is easy to move up quickly after an initial session.