Who is this training for?

The Research Staff Training is designed for research staff who work on randomized evaluations. Although we designed the training for research staff, we often have participants who work in other related departments. For example policy staff, training staff, and admin and operations staff have previously participated. Occasionally, external participants join as well.

The content is specifically targeted to new Research Associates (also known as Research Assistants or "RAs"): However, we (at J-PAL and IPA) encourage our more senior RAs, Research Managers, and other research staff to join if they have not attended RST in the past.

Who delivers this training?

J-PAL and IPA senior research and training staff deliver the sessions. Content has been developed by staff at J-PAL and IPA.

When do you deliver this training?

This two-week training will be held virtually at 10AM EST on Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays. All sessions will be hosted on Zoom, starting the week of October 17th, 2022 and ending on October 27th, 2022.

How do I register for this training?

The registration form can be found here, or on the menu bar above. Note: All attendees must submit two (2) brief but mandatory forms. These documents can be accessed by clicking on the Forms and Instructions tab on the sidebar to the left!

Who should register staff?

PIs or supervisors may register staff, or staff may register themselves with supervisor/PI approval.

What if I am in the process of hiring and want whoever ends up filling the position to attend? Do I have to wait until I have a name to sign this person up?

You can register a "placeholder" spot - just put TBD in the registration form as needed, and ask the trainee to complete the logistics form once they have been hired.

Where will the 2022 U.S. Research Staff Training be held?

This year, the training will be held virtually via Zoom.

Should i get a confirmation email after I register?

Yes, you should receive a confirmation email after you register. If you think you registered but did not receive a confirmation email, please reach out to na_training@povertyactionlab.org to confirm your registration.

Additional Questions?

For any questions, please email na_training@povertyactionlab.org.