
Design Guidance for Cycling Infrastructure

Existing Cycle Network in Kilkenny

Kilkenny's existing cycle network was built in 2009 as part of the Mobility Management Plan. Most of the network does not meet today's standards and provides little segregation from traffic. Two river crossings, providing much needed links, were built under the Smarter Travel programme.

The proposed network aims to provide segregated facilities where possible and on all 50kph routes, greater connectivity, more attractive routes and additional river crossings to provide real transport options.

Future Proposals

Kilkenny County Council has established an Active Travel team, funded by the National Transport Authority (NTA). A strategic cycle network has been developed that includes cycle facilities on all radial routes and the ring road junctions, a central spine through the city along by the river, an inner-orbital route providing connections to residential areas and places of interest closer to the city and traffic reduction and pedestrian and cyclist prioritisation in the city core.

These projects are at various stages of feasibility and option development under the NTA's Active Travel programme.