Poipoi Hub

Kia Ora Poipoi Whanau,

Welcome to Term 2 for 20202. Well, we weren't quite to expecting to be on this journey but we are all really excited to be launching into remote learning to begin our term. We have really missed seeing our students beautiful faces and are looking forward to reconnecting with you all through the internet. The teachers have been working hard over the holidays to create a remote learning programme. We will be posting specific tasks on our class seesaw pages at 9am each day. Once you have completed this task from seesaw, then you could use the rest of the day to learn through play, or if you would like more 'school work' activities please use the Poipoi 'Extra Home Learning' grid on this website. We will be using ZOOM to stay connected via video conference and check in with our students and whanau. Keep an eye on your class seesaw page for invitations to these ZOOM conferences.

Learning Through Play

As a big part of our day at school is learning through play, most of your day at home should be filled up with play. We want to see lots of photos of play and things that you have created at home. Click here to access a whole heap of amazing ideas for how you can learn through play while you are at home.

Staying Connected

We want to stay connect with all families to please take photos of anything you do (school work and other activities) and post it to your class seesaw page. Encourage your child to read, comment and like their class mates posts. This is one way of making the lockdown less 'isolating'.

Reaching Out

Teachers are available via email on school days between 9am-3pm. Please reach out to us if you need support with anything. Our biggest priority at the moment is safe and happy children and we want to assist with this wherever possible.

Waiho i te toipoto, kaua i te toiroa : Let us keep close together not far apart

Nga mihi nui,

Emma, Hinauri, Amy, Sinead & Liz