Day 2: Social Media Campaign

Today, you will be using what you learned from our digital footprint unit to show your candidate's digital footprint. Every presidential candidate develops social media campaign. They use Instagram, Twitter, Snapchat, Youtube, Facebook, and more to connect with Americans and share their ideas.

Step 1: Tell me what you want, what you really really want!

Every presidential candidate develops major viewpoints and campaign goals, what their major ideas and plans are for when they become president. Climate change, immigration, healthcare, foreign conflicts, education, and taxes have been major campaign topics for 2020. Not sure what the major ideas really are and want more education on them? View the link below to get more information (and listen to Miss Zehner's explanation).

Today, you are going to decide 3 major viewpoints that your candidate will try to campaign with. Don't worry -- they don't have to be super detailed thoughts yet (just a few subtopics for now). Those will be developed as the project goes on.

Task #1: Choose 3 major topics that your campaign wants to focus on to attract voters. In Classroom, you will find a Slides template to share your campaign ideas. You will also add at least 2 subtopics, which give a little more detail to those campaign ideas.

Step 2: Do it for the likes!

Since the 2008 presidential election, presidential candidates have been using social media and the internet to reach out to the population, especially to connect to younger voters. Through sponsored posts and directly following candidates, people can become more informed and involved in politics. View the examples below from previous and current presidential campaigns.

When developing social media campaigns, candidates need to consider how the posts will affect their digital footprint. Are these going to show them in a positive light, or are they more negative & complaining about their opponents?

Using your candidate's biography, you will be developing a social media campaign. You will create a variety of social media posts that Americans will connect to and learn about your candidate even more. Maybe, you will even want to develop a campaign slogan.

Task #2: Create 2 social media posts -- pictures or graphics -- that reflect major values and goals for your campaign. You can use either Canva or Adobe Spark; both have options to create specific social media graphics. You can make images or videos.