
On this page you'll be able to view our previous and upcoming events and signup via Eventbrite. We will also curate and host the recordings of the fascinating talks delivered by our influential speakers. 

Upcoming Events

Previous Events

Seminar 1: "Discovering Forgiveness"

This presentation is based on the outcomes of a project between Pushing Change and Dr Aaron Pycroft from University of Portsmouth School of Criminology and Criminal Justice which has co-produced generative principles based on understanding and working with forgiveness to enable discovery of the self when addicted to alcohol and other drugs.

The seminar workshops will take place at the Oasis Centre and the first one will be on Thursday 12th January in the morning. The session will take place between 9.30am and 11.30am, and the space will be available from 9.15am-12.00am for networking.

Seminar 2: "A Relational and Restorative Practice approach in Portsmouth's schools"

This session is an opportunity to hear about and learn from the progress in 'Relational and Restorative Practice' (RRP) in Portsmouth schools. The seminar will set the scene of RRP in schools and why it is important, followed by a case study presentation from Trafalgar School, a leader in this approach. A key question for leaders and practitioners is how do we share the learning and practice from a model of working well in one school, to shape practice in another? What resources do we need, what strategies can we use, (and what support is needed) to grow novel RRP models that suit the different contexts in which they are developing?

The seminar workshops will take place at the Oasis Centre and the next one will be on Thursday 30th March in the morning. The session will take place between 9.30am and 11.30am, and the space will be available from 9.15am-12.00am for networking.

Seminar 3: “A Relational and Restorative Practice Seminar: Leadership and Team Working” 

John Swindell will lead this session sharing concepts of leadership and team working based on Social Control Theory. John has many years of experience in coaching, consulting and training in Restorative Practice - across various social sectors including Education, Health services, Faith organisations, Prison Service, Voluntary and Community Sector and Policing. This seminar session will include a talk from John, and an opportunity to reflect on the concepts as they relate to your own team working and leadership experiences. John is an engaging and inspiring speaker with many practical tips and examples to share. Our seminars are held in a welcoming city centre space and refreshments are provided.

Time: 9am - 11.30am (the space will be open until 12 for networking)

Seminar 4: “A Relational and Restorative Practice Seminar: Co-production in Practice”

Increasingly public bodies and organisations are looking to co-production partnerships to tackle social problems. This seminar will provide examples of co-production in practice and the ways in which these change and challenge the traditional approach to how research/information gathering is planned, implemented and reported. A key focus of the seminar will be on how using relational and restorative practices can ensure a more authentic approach to successful co-production partnerships. Restorative practice promotes ways of working with or alongside people (individually and collectively) to support them to reach their potential, and to contribute in a way that builds on their strengths and what is important to them.

The session will be introduced by Dr Aaron Pycroft (University of Portsmouth, Criminology) followed by three illustrative talks:

There is time allocated for table discussion (with a drink and snacks) and a plenary at the end for questions/ whole group discussion. Our seminars are held in a welcoming city centre space.

Date: Friday 20th October

Time: 9am - 11.30am (the space will be open until 12 for networking)