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The Team

Dr Gail Mann

Research Development Lead

Portsmouth City Council | Floor 2 Core 2 | Civic Offices | Guildhall Square | Portsmouth | PO1 2AL


Dr Dominic Pearson

Reader in Professional Research & Practice in Forensic Psychology

Dept. of Psychology | King Henry Building | King Henry 1st Street | Portsmouth, PO1 2DY


Caroline Strevens: Professor of Legal Education, University of Portsmouth

Caroline’s academic career was preceded by a career in legal practice as a Solicitor. Caroline joined the University as a part time hourly paid teacher and was appointed as a senior lecturer in 2001 to lead the first qualifying law degrees in the Faculty of Business and Law then known as Portsmouth Business School. As law student numbers grew the Law department was formed and Caroline was appointed head in 2008. She remained in that role until 2021.

Caroline was promoted to Reader in 2015 and to Professor in 2021. Caroline’s primary research area is legal education including investigating how principles of positive psychology may influence wellbeing of staff and students in Higher Education. She is a co-founder of Advancing Wellness in Law network and Deputy Chair of the QAA’s Law subject benchmark statement review due for implementation early in 2023. She is also part of an international team that is investigating perceptions of wellbeing in senior managers to inform the development of international guidelines to support staff and students in Law Schools.
