2023 - United States Postcard Race

As of 3/28/23, we have received postcards from the following states:

19. Oregon - Kate K.

20. Washington - Brayden

21. Texas - Teagan

22. Arkansas - Camryn

23. Montana - Camryn

24. Tennessee - Miles

25. Delaware - Ella

26. Indiana - Camryn

27. Arizona - Camryn

28. Alaska - Brayden & Kate K.

29. Massachusetts- Charlotte

30. Illinois - Kate K.

31. North Carolina - Vincent

32. Nevada - Kate K.

33. New Mexico - Kate K.

34. Missouri - Kate K. 

35. Virginia - Kate K.

36. Minnesota - Kate K.

37. Pennsylvania - Miles

38. Wyoming - Camryn

39. Ohio - Kate K. 

40. Louisiana - Kate K. 

41. Kansas - Kate K.

42. Iowa - Kate K.

43. Vermont - Matthew M.

44. Nebraska - Vincent

45. South Dakota - Amelia

46. Michigan - Matthew M. & Ella

47. West Virginia - Vincent

48. Mississippi - Kate K.