Just for Parents

This page consists of papers and and sign up sheets for parents. The minutes of booster meetings will be posted on this page and we are asking that parents check their calendars and see where you can assist, whether it be helping with FTK, signing up to chaperon a bus, bring in a dish to pass for a potluck or signing up to assist with moving pit crew on and off the field at different games, festivals or competitions. Typically parents that chaperon on a bus to an event will get into the event for free. Your hand will be stamped along with the students. We typically ask for at least two chaperons for every bus and we are anticipating 4 buses this year.

WE do what we do for the success of the program and the assistance of the students. We celebrate the students and their achievements, but yet sometimes we need to celebrate ourselves. I would like to find a date or dates where we can have an adult socializing event. Stay tuned...