Unit Resources

Unit 1 Resources--Chez-moi!

Goals for Unit 1:

1. Students will be able to describe where they live using a variety of nouns and adjectives.

2. Students will know how to act as a guest in a foreign country.

3. Students will be able to welcome a guest into their own home.

4. Students will ask information questions on a variety of topics.

Unit 2 Resources--Une journée typique

Goals for Unit 2:

1. Students will talk about what they do during the day.

2. Students will be able to discuss their opinions.

Unit 3 Resources--Les Antilles

Goals for Unit 3:

1. Students will be able to describe the topography and culture of Martinique, Haiti, and Guadeloupe.

2. Students will be able to utilize the Imparfait in speaking, reading and writing comprehension.

Unit 4 Resources--Mon enfance

Goals for Unit 4:

1. Students will tell what happened in the past using the passé composé and imparfait in the same story.

2. Students will be able to express emotions in conversation and writing.

3. Students will talk about what life was like when they were little.

4. Students will learn about the topography and culture of Bretagne and Provence.

Unit 5 Resources: En Vacances

Goals for this Unit:

1. Students will learn how make suggestions and respond appropriately.

2. Students will be able to describe a location using a variety of vocabulary.

3. Students will be able to locate the Francophone countries of Europe and identify traditions, customs, and products from these countries.

4. Students will understand written and spoken directions and be able to give oral directions.

Goals for this Unit:

1. Students will be able to describe the different elements that make up gothic and roman architecture.

2. Students will use knowledge of castles to determine if a castle is a château fort or château de la Renaissance.

3. Students will express in speaking and writing their opinions of various activities.

4. Students will discuss activities that have happened in the past.

Unit 7 Resources--Faisons les courses!

Goals for Unit 7:

1. Students will be able to ask for and give advice in a variety of situations.

2. Students will be able to communicate with a variety of salespeople, expressing desires, asking appropriate questions, and responding.

3. Students will be able to make requests in a variety of situations.

4. Students will learn about the various holidays celebrated in France.

Unit 8 Resources--La Santé

Goals for this Unit:

1. Students will be able to express what is wrong and to ask how people are feeling.

2. Students will express necessity using the subjunctive and the verb devoir.

3. Students will give advice on healthy living.