What PV Students Have to Say About Service-Learning

The following are comments made during junior/senior project panel interviews:

"I see the ability to volunteer as a privilege."- G.S

"You never know the effects your actions will have in the future."- B.V.

"Service-learning is a great tool to explore things for your future. " - R.A.

"It is a fulfilling way to learn more about yoursefl and build skills while helping others."- J.B.

"We should always look to get as many different perspectives as we can.  The norm here is very different five miles down the road."- S. B.

"Follow your passions."- T.N.

"Be humble.  Get out of your way and help others."- M.C

"I was one of those kids who didn't see the point.  But once I started I realized I got soemthing too.  I had never had other kids look up to me."- B.L.

"You get so much more from giving than receiving."- C.C.

"You feel accomplished when you see the impact you are making."- M.H.

"I didn't realize how good it would feel."- S.J.

"Look at the bigger picture not as a requirement.  Give back to places that have influenced you."- M.D.

"I really enjoy volunteering.  It gets me out of my comfort zone and helps others.  It is a reward both ways."- R.S.

"The joy I get helping others is grater than the joy of just sitting at home.  It is important to see the value in helping- it is not about you."- A,G.

"It humbles you."- L.K.