How to add km.

Healthy actions and behaviours that will add km. to your group:

  1. Healthy breakfast.

Have a healthy breakfast every morning. Don't forget to take a picture! That will give you 100 meters.

Prepara't cada matí un esmorzar saludable i fes una foto! Podràs sumar 100 metres.

  1. Hygiene habits: taking a shower and cleaning your teeth.

Each time you take a shower or you clean your teeth, you can add 100 meters.

Cada vegada que et dutxis o et rentis els dents podràs sumar 100 metres.

  1. Showing your feelings.

Each time you show your feelings to a relative or a friend you can add 500 meters.

Cada vegada que parlis sobre els teus sentiments amb algun familiar o amic, podràs sumar 500 metres.

  1. Physical activity: weekly proposal.

We will show you a weekly activity related to Physical Education. This will be different every week. You have to take at least two of these 4 proposals during the whole project, but you can do them all, as you can win 10 km with every activity!

Cada setmana us proposarem una activitat d'Educació Física. Les activitats seran diferents cada setmana i durant tot el projecte heu de fer, com a mínim, 2 de les 4 activitats proposades. Si fas l'activitat d'EF proposada, podràs sumar 10 km.

  1. Free physical routine.

If you are already working on a daily physical routine, each 60-minute period will give you 1 km.

Si ja estàs treballant amb una rutina física diària, per cada franja de 60 minutes podràs sumar 1 km.

  1. Reading a book.

Mind cultivation is also very important. You can do it by reading a book, for example. So if you read a book and send us a summary if it (either written or recorded in a video) you can add 5 km to your class score.

Cultivar la ment també és molt important. Pots fer-ho llegint un llibre, per exemple. Si al acabar el llibre fas un resum (escrit o en vídeo) podràs sumar 5 km.

  1. Weekly academic tasks.

If you complete the academic tasks assigned every week and upload them in due time, you can add 10 km.

Si fas les tasques acadèmiques que us proposem cada setmana i les pujes dins del termini previst, podràs sumar 10 km.

  1. Recycle.

Climate change is a fact; we can help the environment by recycling individually. You will get 1 km for each piece of plastic, glass, paper or organic waste that you throw away into the right container.

El canvi climàtic és un fet; nosaltres podem ajudar el medi ambient reciclant les nostres deixalles. Podràs sumar 1 km per cada peca de plàstic, vidre, paper o resta orgànica que llencis al contenidor adequat.