Learning Through Service

Here at PHS, we believe that it is important for students to 'learn through service'. This is why we have implemented our Learning Through Service program: a PHS graduation requirement. Each student is required to complete a minimum of 20 hours of community service to fulfill this requirement. Students can participate in any community service project for a non-profit organization as long as no payment is received for the service provided. When a volunteer event is completed, students must submit a "Learning Through Service Form" (see attached), also known as a 'pink sheet' to the School Counseling department. Forms can be picked up in the School Counseling suite or printed from the attached link. Activities where students have completed work for friends/family members do not count for learning through service hours unless they are directly involved with a non-profit.

Learning Through Service is grounded in experiential education - learning by doing. The goal of Learning Through Service is to direct the learners into practical settings where the primary motivation is service. This service is designed to meet the unmet needs of a community/school. The learning takes place as the students take part in the experience. The goals of Learning Through Service are extensive and lifelong.

Students are encouraged to begin volunteer work in their first year at PHS!