CT State Community College Dual and Concurrent Enrollment
The Tunxis High School Partnership Program
is an excellent opportunity for outstanding and motivated juniors and seniors to experience the rigor of the college classroom, enhance their academic experience and earn college credit while still in high school.
Selected students are eligible to take up to 2 evening courses per semester, a maximum of 4 courses per year, on campus or online, free of charge. Admission to individual classes is dependent upon space availability, budgetary funding and students having met any prerequisite requirements. Students will be notified by the Director of Admissions as to whether they are accepted into the class.
The Tunxis Community College College and Career Pathway Program (CCP)
is a dual enrollment program which gives high school students the opportunity to experience college-credit bearing courses taught by college-approved high school teachers.
Students who enroll in the program and successfully complete a dual enrollment course will receive high school credit at PHS and college credit at Tunxis Community College.
Credits earned through this program can to transferred to other institutions. Please note that transfer credit policies vary from college to college.
The courses are completely FREE to PHS students!
Program Selection Criteria
Program Goals:
Student is a junior or senior and has an overall “B+” average.
Is able to handle one or two courses in addition to their high school courses. Note: Students must consider carefully both the rigor and the time constraints of their high school schedules and evening college class(es). Most college courses meet twice a week for 1 hour and 15 minutes. Some classes meet only once a week for 2 hours and 30 minutes.
Is responsible for their transportation to campus and the cost of books and supplies. Tunxis covers the cost of tuition and all related fees.
Maximize opportunities for students
Increase student awareness of careers and education and training
Strengthen the planning process using individualized student Plans of Study
Ease student transitions between secondary and postsecondary education through concurrent enrollment, articulation agreements, skill assessment recognition, comprehensive counseling and guidance, regional and state planning
Align training with employer needs
Provide strong academic skills and real-world problem solving skills
Why Take Courses at Tunxis?
CCP Course Offerings at PHS
Students may choose to take Tunxis courses for the following reasons:
Exhausted all PHS course offerings in a content area.
Diversify elective course experiences by taking courses at Tunxis that are not offered at PHS.
Courses of interest are not offered at the honors, AP or ECE level at PHS.
Example: Sociology and Psychology at Tunxis.
Advanced Accounting (Level 1)
Entrepreneurship (Level 2)
Financial Literacy CCP (Level 1)
Important Notes
Courses taken through the Partnership Program will not be transferred onto the PHS transcript
Students participating in the Partnership Program must maintain a full schedule at PHS.
Classes taken through this partnership cannot be used to replace PHS core classes required for graduation.
Upon request from students, Tunxis Community College will provide a college transcript to the students and/or send it to the colleges that students are applying to in order for the credits earned to be transferred to other schools. Colleges might request a copy of course syllabus to assure that the course was comparable to the one taught on their campus. Credit transfer policies vary from college to college, hence students must check with the colleges of interest to them.
Tunxis covers the cost of tuition and all related fees. Students taking on campus classes will be responsible for their transportation to campus and book expenses. Students taking online classes will be responsible for their book expenses.
The above courses are open to students grades 9-12.
Students must take both Introduction to Accounting and Advanced Accounting to get the college credit.
Student must complete an online application and submit a parental form to the CCP teacher by the due date.
Students must obtain and save for their records the course syllabus.
Students must request a transcript from Tunxis Community College at the conclusion of the course.