

What is SeeSaw?

Seesaw is a platform for student engagement. Teachers can empower students to create, reflect, share, and collaborate. Students “show what they know” using photos, videos or text. It’s simple to get student work in one place and share with families, and nothing is shared without teacher approval.

How you can access SeeSaw.

The majority of families in our school have already connected to SeeSaw through the  SeeSaw families app, available to download on tablets and smart phones or through the SeeSaw website.

For remote learning your child will be given their 'home access code' this is a code either in text or numbers or via a QR (quick reader) code that will enable them to access their SeeSaw account, respond and post their own work. Please keep this learning code in a safe place, do not share it with others.

 How do students use their home learning code?

Step 1. Students go to on a computer.

If you don't have access to a laptop or desktop computer you can install the Seesaw Schools App on any smartphone, tablet or ios or android device.

Step 2. Students tap “I’m a Student”.

Step 3. Students type in their text code to access their Seesaw account or they can scan their code using Seesaw’s built-in QR code reader.Having problems with the app? 

Tweet or email your school.

Seesaw Parent Guide.pdf

Seesaw FAQ's

 These videos demonstrate how to support each option: 

Q: How do I Take a Photo?

Using a Tablet ?

Using a Laptop?

Q: How Do I Take a Photo and Add a Voice?

 Using  a Tablet?

Using  a Laptop?

Q: How Do I Make a Video?

Using a Tablet?

Using  a Laptop?

Q: How Do I create a Drawing? 

All Devices

Q: How do I write a note?

Using a Tablet?

Using  a Laptop?