Pupils can access lots of learning activities through GLOW: including Microsoft Teams and Google Classroom. All pupils have their log in and password. Please contact your school if you do not have these. 

Glow (link) https://glow.rmunify.com

Glow Basics PRIMARY.pptx
Glow Basics.docx

One Drive Support 

Microsoft Teams Support 

Q: I have a live lesson with my class how do I access this in teams?

A: Videos show you how to join live lesson via teams channel and calendar.

How to Join a live Class.mp4

How to join Live Lesson via teams 

How to Join a meeting in calendar.mp4

How to join live lesson via calendar

Q: I have a check in meeting with my class - what does this mean?

A: Your teacher is well planned and has scheduled a meeting with your class to discuss your progress in the class work or deliver a quick how to on something.

You must follow expectations below and adhere to good digital behaviour. 

Here are a few FAQ's on class check in's or live sessions:

Q: I'm worried that my classmates will see me through my webcam or phone?

A: You have control over you webcam and mic. You must understand this before every session and turn off to start when you join the lesson. You should familiarise yourself with the class expectations set by your school. You do not have to use your camera and should only use this if you are comfortable. 

Q: I can't get on my device as my family need to use this at this time. What do I do?

A: Let your teacher know ahead of time - Senior phase pupils may have power points or notes which can be shared at a later date. 

Q. How do I ask my teacher a question during the session?

A: Your teacher will have a specific way of running the session but majority of teachers will mute mics until a certain time where you can ask or use the hand up feature with your class.

Q: I've been set an assignment how do I hand this in?

A: Follow this how to video.Make sure you turn in the work.