Contemporary American Problems

This course will connect the real world to issues that have an impact on daily life. The emphasis of this course is on economics, financial awareness, and the role of different levels of government. This course features a daily review and discussion of current events at the international, national, state, and local levels. Current events will be used to highlight various topics of concern throughout the duration of the course to develop the skills to critically assess the world in which we live. 


Topic 1: Daily Current Events

Topic 2: Federalism

Topic 3:

State Government

Topic 4: Constitutional Principles

Topic 5: Powers reserved to State governments

Topic 6: The Role of County government

Topic 7: Media & Influence - Propaganda

Topic 8: Media & Influence - What is its role?

Topic 9: Media &  Influence - Interest Groups

Topic 10: Government & the Economy

Topic 11: Government & the Market Economy

Topic 12: Government Taxation

Topic 13: Government Spending 

Topic 14: Personal Role in Saving and Investing

Students will be able to...

What in the world is going on?

What is federalism and how is it designed to work in the United States?

What is the role of the state government in federalism?

What were the key principles the Founding Fathers thought were critical to a free society?

How do State  powers differ from Federal powers?

What does the county level of government do?

What impact does propaganda & the media have on public perception?

What is the role the media plays in reporting the news and setting the agenda?

How much influence do interest groups have? 

To what degree should a government be involved in regulating the economy?

How powerful is individual choice in maintaining a market economy?

What impact does government taxation have on the economy?

What role does government spending have on society and personal liberties?

What can one do to help your individual wealth by investing?