
AVID:  Part of the AVID curriculum is learning how to organize materials.  AVID students will have a choice to use a binder, folders, or an eBinder along with Google Drive to find the organizational system that works best for each individual student.  If the students choose to use eBinders, they will be able to take pictures of documents to add notes, artifacts, and images to their eBinders.

2023-2024 eBinders

Recommendation for students with cell phones:  Install Google Drive (using school account) in order to quickly take pictures and save to the Google Drive.  Students can quickly add anything that is located on their school Google Drive account.  Although students will be using their Google Chromebook to update their eBinder, pictures taken from the Chromebook are generally very blurry and difficult to interpret.

*Cell phones are not permitted in class.  However, with permission, students are allowed to take pictures of their physical work and add it to their eBinders.