1. Are conferences offered?

Please note that conferences are always offered upon request.  With the number of students in the program I am unable to offer a specific date for conferences.  I am more than happy to meet with you at anytime!

2. What is my child doing in PACE?

Please refer to the information on your child's corresponding grade level. Please be aware projects can take months to complete.  You can find most of the projects your child completes on Google Drive. 

3.  How often will my child have PACE?

Kindergarten will be pulled 30 minutes a week.  First, second, and third grade will be pulled 2 hours a week.  Fourth and fifth grade will be pulled 3 hours a week.

4.  How often will my child receive a progress report?

Progress reports are given twice a year,  once each semester.  Your child will be evaluated using a scaled rubric of 1-4. Please see the PACE goals on the home page.

5. How is my child being challenged in their classroom?

Your child will be paired with a teacher that has been trained to teach GT students.  Differentiated instruction is expected based on the needs of the students.

For any additional questions, please contact Donna Bui at donna.bui@pisd.edu or by phone at 469-752-2040. 

Please be sure to refer to the Parent Handbook that can be found on the home page for more information.