February Professional Learning Opportunities
School Psychologist Collaborative
Facilitated by North GLRS
Questions? Contact: Lara Butler (lara.butler@pioneerresa.org)
Date Offered: February 3rd from
9:00 AM - 12:00 PM
Teacher Preparation Retention Program (TPRP) Professional Learning
Facilitated by Lara Butler & TPRP Coaches (lara.butler@pioneerresa.org)
Date Offered: February 4th from
9:00 AM - 3:00 PM
Teacher Preparation Retention Program (TPRP) Multi-Reality Simulation (AVATAR) Lab
Facilitated by Lara Butler & TPRP Coaches (lara.butler@pioneerresa.org)
Date Offered: February 6th from
1:00 PM - 3:00 PM
Special Education Directors Collaborative
Facilitated by Sandy Walden (sandy.walden@pioneerresa.org)
Date Offered: February 6th from
9:00 AM - 2:00 PM
Speech Language Pathologist Collaborative
Facilitated by Chanda Bourgeois Questions? Contact: Lara Butler (lara.butler@pioneerresa.org)
Date Offered: February 7th from
9:00 AM - 3:00 PM
Special Education Paraprofessional Academy Session 2
Facilitated by Lara Butler (lara.butler@pioneerresa.org)
Date Offered: February 11th from
9:00 AM - 3:00 PM (Registration Link)
Behavior Interventions That Work
Facilitated by Amie Dean
Questions? Contact: Lara Butler (lara.butler@pioneerresa.org)
Date Offered: February 12th from
8:30 AM - 3:00 PM (Registration Link)
GaDOE Preschool Numeracy Training - Numbers Are Everywhere!
Facilitated by GaDOE
Questions? Contact (lara.butler@pioneerresa.org)
Date Offered: February 20th from
8:30 AM - 3:30 PM (Registration Link)
Analyzing Georgia's K-12 ELA Standards: Language for Grades K-5
Facilitated by the PRESA Literacy Team (afunk@pioneerresa.org)
Date Offered: February 7th from
9:00 AM - 3:30 PM (Registration Link)
Analyzing Georgia's K-12 ELA Standards: Language for Grades 6-12
Facilitated by the PRESA Literacy Team (afunk@pioneerresa.org)
Date Offered: February 10th from
9:00 AM - 3:30 PM (Registration Link)
Literacy Leaders Institute
Facilitated by Pioneer RESA's Let's Read, Georgia Team (dpenland@pioneerresa.org)
Date Offered: February 21st from 9:00 AM - 3:00 PM (Registration Link)
Math Collaborative Grades 9-12
Facilitated by Marcia Williams (mwilliams@pioneerresa.org)
Date Offered: February 21st from
8:30 AM - 3:00 PM (Registration Link)
Math Collaborative Grades 6-8
Facilitated by Marcia Williams (mwilliams@pioneerresa.org)
Date Offered: February 25th from
8:30 AM - 3:00 PM (Registration Link)
Coaches Academy
Facilitated by Marcia Williams (mwilliams@pioneerresa.org)
Date Offered: February 28th from
8:30 AM - 3:00 PM (Registration Link)
Principal Job Alike (VIRTUAL)
Facilitated by Tim Cochran (tcochran@pioneerresa.org)
Date Offered: February 10th from 9:00 AM - 10:00 AM
Assistant Principal Job Alike (VIRTUAL)
Facilitated by Tim Cochran (tcochran@pioneerresa.org)
Date Offered: February 17th from 9:00 AM - 10:00 AM
Mental Health Specialist (VIRTUAL)
Facilitated by Teresa Hearn (thearn@pioneerresa.org)
Date Offered: February 3rd from 9:00 AM - 11:00 AM
Director of Health Services Job Alike
Facilitated by Jan Pearce (jpearce@pioneerresa.org)
Date offered: February 4th from 9:00 AM - 12:00 PM
School Social Worker (VIRTUAL)
Facilitated by Teresa Hearn (thearn@pioneerresa.org)
Date Offered: February 5th from 9:00 AM - 11:00 AM
Transportation Directors Job Alike
Facilitated by Marilyn Delgado (mdelgado@pioneerresa.org)
Date Offered: February 6th from 10:00 AM - 12:00 PM
Cyber Security Round Table
Facilitated by Chris Fuller (cfuller@pioneerresa.org)
Date Offered: February 12th from 10:00 AM - 1:00 PM (Registration Link)
Alternative Program Director Job Alike
Facilitated by Jan Pearce (jpearce@pioneerresa.org)
Date Offered: February 12th from 9:00 AM - 11:30 AM
School Nutrition Directors Job Alike
Facilitated by Jan Pearce (jpearce@pioneerresa.org)
Date Offered: February 13th from 9:00 AM - 12:00 PM
Counselor Job Alike
Facilitated by Jan Pearce (jpearce@pioneerresa.org)
Date Offered: February 19th from 10:00 AM - 12:00 PM
Technology Directors Job Alike
Facilitated by Chris Fuller (cfuller@pioneerresa.org)
Date Offered: February 19th from 10:00 AM - 2:00 PM
Wraparound Services (VIRTUAL)
Facilitated by Teresa Hearn (thearn@pioneerresa.org)
Date Offered: February 24th from 9:00 AM - 11:00 AM
CTAE Program Director Job Alike
Facilitated by Jan Pearce (jpearce@pioneerresa.org)
Date Offered: February 26th from 9:00 AM - 12:00 PM
Winter Teaching and Learning Summit

We are excited that the Winter GaDOE Teaching and Learning Summit, co-hosted by NEGA RESA and Pioneer RESA, and facilitated by GaDOE staff is this week. The Winter Summit will feature all-new content, distinct from what was covered in the fall. Attendees will participate in engaging breakout sessions led by GaDOE staff and hear from Dr. John Almarode in the Georgia EdTALKS, Research to Reality: How Learning Works and What It Means for Our Schools and Classrooms.
Event Details:
Date: Wednesday, February 5th
Time: 8:30 AM - 2:30 PM
Location: Braselton Civic Center
(27 East Lake Drive, Braselton, GA)
Please find the agenda for the summit here. The agenda includes a full schedule of events, breakout sessions, and keynotes that will guide your experience throughout the day.
The event is at capacity. If your plans have changed and you will not be able to attend, we kindly ask that you log into your Northeast Georgia RESA account to withdraw from the course. This will help us make the necessary arrangements for those attending and allow space for those who still wish to attend.
We look forward to seeing you there and hope you have an inspiring and productive day!
Georgia's New K-12 ELA Standards
Following the GaDOE teacher tour, these sessions will offer an in-depth exploration of each domain within the revised Georgia K-12 ELA Standards. Participants, including district and school leaders, instructional coaches, and teacher leaders, will focus on integrating the standards into their own curriculum, assessments, and literacy instruction schedules. Emphasis will be placed on aligning practices with the updated expectations to enhance instructional effectiveness, equipping leaders to guide this work across their districts.
Space is limited! Register today to secure your spot!

Universal Literacy
Screener Showcase
We are excited to invite you to our upcoming Universal Literacy Screener Showcase, scheduled for March 5th from 8:30 AM to 3:30 PM. This event is designed to assist you in the decision-making process for the upcoming school year by providing an in-depth look at the approved Universal Literacy Screeners listed below:
Amira ISIP
EPS Reading Assistant
Star Universal Reading Suite
mClass with DIBELS 8th Edition
iReady Universal Reading Suite
The showcase will not only allow you to examine the screeners firsthand but also provide an opportunity to engage with representatives from each screener. This interactive experience aims to help you make informed decisions that align with the unique needs and literacy framework of your district. We understand the challenges of decision-making based solely on samples, and we believe that hearing from representatives will enhance your understanding of the nuances of each screener.
Please register using the link below to secure your spot. Feel free to share this link with others in your district whom you'd like to join you in participating: Universal Screener Showcase Event Registration
Please note that the location of the showcase will be determined based on the number of registrants. We appreciate your prompt registration, as it will assist us in finalizing the logistics.
Exceptional Child Course
This online course serves as an introduction to educating exceptional children and youth. It focuses on the identification and best practices for teaching exceptional individuals. Participants will be provided with specific instructional strategies and resources to implement effective educational programs for students with disabilities. This course fulfills the state requirements for H.B. 671 for teachers in Georgia and is approved by the Georgia Professional Standards Commission (GaPSC). For candidates planning to enter the GaTAPP program next year, completing this course early is a great way to get ahead.
Summer Leadership Conference 2025
We are excited to announce that the call for proposals is now open for the Pioneer RESA Summer Leadership Conference! We are seeking engaging and insightful presentations that will inspire and equip our attendees to lead with innovation and excellence.
If you have expertise, strategies, or success stories to share with educational leaders, we encourage you to submit a proposal. Your contribution could make a lasting impact on our audience of passionate educators and administrators.
We look forward to reviewing your submissions and crafting an exceptional conference experience together.
Thank you for helping make this year’s conference a success!
Submission Deadline: March 7, 2025
How to Submit: Complete the proposal submission form by the deadline. Be sure to include all requested details to ensure a smooth review process.
If you have any questions, feel free to reach out to Carly Adam cadam@pioneerresa.org.
GaTAPP and GaLAPP Programs
We are now accepting applications for the 2025-2026 school year for our GaTAPP and GaLAPP programs! GaTAPP (Georgia Teacher Academy for Preparation and Pedagogy) is a non-traditional certification pathway for aspiring educators. GaLAPP (Georgia Leader Academy for Preparation and Pedagogy) is our alternative leadership preparation program designed for individuals seeking Tier I leadership certification. Apply now to take the next step in your teaching or leadership journey!
The project has evolved as literacy research has advanced. This grant-funded professional learning community is designed and implemented through Georgia’s RESAs and administered by GOSA and GADOE.
Growing Readers will serve a new cohort in the 2025-2027 school year, pending legislative budget approval. The initiative provides consistent, high-quality professional learning to teachers on effective reading instruction through four off-site professional learning days and on-site, job-embedded coaching in GR-participating teachers’ classrooms. Growing Readers Coaches provide specific feedback to improve teacher practice and enhance student achievement.
If you are interested in participating in the Growing Readers project, contact Pioneer RESA’s Growing Readers Coaching Specialists:
Jan Black (jblack@pioneerresa.org) or Rhonda Hayes (rhayes@pioneerresa.org).
Lit, Love, Read: Celebrating the Joy of Reading!
This February, join Pioneer RESA for Lit, Love, Read, a month-long celebration of the joy of reading! The Let's Read Georgia Regional Literacy Coaches are encouraging schools to create unforgettable moments where books come alive! Our goal is to bring the magic of read-alouds to every school in the Pioneer RESA district, inspiring students to develop a lifelong love of stories!
Bimonthly virtual calls for updates, networking, and specialized training for curriculum and professional learning leaders through a partnership between the GaDOE Office of Teaching and Learning and your statewide RESA network.
When: Every Other Wednesday 9:00 AM-10:00 AM
Upcoming Dates:
February 5, 2025
February 19, 2025
2024/2025 Math Professional Learning Offerings
Math Collaboratives
8:30 AM - 3:00 PM @ Pioneer RESA
6th-8th Grades
February 25th: Course #4507
9th-12th Grades
February 21st: Course #4508

FY25 Job Alike Offerings
We are excited to announce the upcoming FY25 Job Alike sessions. These sessions provide an invaluable opportunity to collaborate with peers in similar roles across the region. By sharing best practices, resources, and strategies, we can collectively enhance our efforts and support the critical work we do as educators.
Collaboration with those in like positions is essential for professional growth and improving student outcomes. We look forward to your participation and the insightful discussions that will strengthen our educational community.
Georgia Learning Resources System (GLRS) Corner
The North GLRS Transition Collaborative will be hosting a College and Career Fair for students with disabilities served within the school systems located in Region 3.
The event will be held on Thursday, February 13th, 2025 at Lumpkin County High School from 9am-1pm.
Contact the following for further information:
Teresa Bruce | teresa.bruce@pioneerresa.org
Sandy Walden | swalden@pioneerresa.org
School Districts can request additional professional learning from North GLRS by contacting Sandy Walden, North GLRS Director or Lara Butler, North GLRS Continuous Improvement Specialist. Requests should come from building level administrators or the Special Education Director. Professional learning provided by North GLRS must be tied to the GLRS Scope of Work as determined annually by the GADOE and should support the achievement, graduation rate, post-secondary success and needs of the whole child for all students including students with disabilities.

Professional Learning Offerings
Georgia Literacy Academy- Literacy for K-3 Electives Courses
The content in Every Classroom Counts: Georgia Literacy Academy for K-3 Electives Courses were designed especially for electives teachers of K-3rd grade students and meets the professional learning requirements of the Georgia Early Literacy Act for this group of teachers.
Understanding Georgia Milestones Webinar Series
Do you have questions about the Georgia Milestones assessments? The Understanding Georgia Milestones webinar series includes the answers to frequently asked questions related to test design, test questions, reading passages (ELA only), item scoring, test results, and score interpretation.
Elementary Science Assessment Series: Achieving Student Proficiency
Join the GaDOE science team for this virtual, three-part series on science assessment. The sessions will explore resources and strategies to support standards-based assessment. A varied approach to proficiency measures will be discussed, from formative to summative. The first two sessions are synchronous, and the third session will be provided as an on-demand session that you can watch at your leisure after March 3, 2025.
Dates: February 3rd, March 3rd
Time: 3:15 PM - 4:15 PM
Secondary Science Assessment Series: Achieving Student Proficiency
Join the GaDOE science team for this virtual, three-part series on science assessment. The sessions will explore resources and strategies to support standards-based assessment. A varied approach to proficiency measures will be discussed, from formative to summative. The first two sessions are synchronous, and the third session will be provided as an on-demand session that you can watch at your leisure after March 3, 2025.
Dates: February 3rd, March 3rd
Time: 4:30 PM - 5:30 PM
Georgia Early Numeracy Project Professional Learning Series
Join us to explore the components of the Georgia Early Numeracy Project and how this resource can be used to address foundational numeracy. We look forward to having you attend the event!
February 4: Administering the Numeracy Assessments
February 18: Analyzing the Data and Implementing the Interventions
Time: 4:00 PM - 5:30 PM
Literacy Coach Network
Literacy coaches serve a vital and often singular role in our schools. The goal of the Literacy Coach Network is to provide a space for coaches to come together; support one another; and gain new perspectives, resources, and information. Each session has a different grounding focus related to one slice of the coaching role. Leaders from the GaDOE Literacy Team and the Deal Center for Early Language and Literacy will facilitate the sessions and share select resources, but ultimately the power of our time together will come from the collective strength of the literacy coaches who lean into this collaborative undertaking.
February 5th: Literacy Knowledge: Ever-Refining
March 5th: Coaching Moves Part One
April 2nd: Coaching Moves Part Two
May 7th: Data, Now What?
June 4th: Curriculum: Reflecting on the Year
Time: 3:30 PM - 4:30 PM
Fit Georgia Office Hours
Office hours are available for discussions and questions regarding Fit Georgia.
Date: February 5th, February 26th, March 12th, March 26th, April 9th, April 23rd, May 7th
Time: 8:00 AM - 9:00 AM
SDI: Specially Designed Instruction Series
Presenters will explore high-leverage practices and how they support the design and delivery of SDI. Participants will develop an understanding of the importance of using explicit instruction (HLP 16), using strategies to promote active student engagement (HLP 18), and guiding student’s learning and behavior through positive, constructive feedback (HLP 22).
Date: February 5th
Time: 10:00 AM - 11:30 AM
Significant Cognitive Disabilities Webinar
Join the Significant Cognitive Team for a series of webinars designed to support educators in enhancing the educational and career outcomes for students with significant cognitive disabilities.
Dates: February 6th, March 6th
Time: 3:30 PM - 4:15 PM
GKIDS 2.0 Mid-Year Training and Reports
System Test Coordinators are presented with guidance as they near the mid-year check for GKIDS 2.0.
Date: February 6th
Time: 10:00 AM - 12:00 PM
EIP and REP Technical Assistance Chats
The Georgia Department of Education (GaDOE) invites district and school leaders to drop in to ask questions and seek clarification on Early Intervention Program (EIP) and Remedial Education Program (REP) expectations. During these drop-in sessions, attendees can ask questions pertaining to the 2024-25 Early Intervention Program (EIP) Guidance and the 2024-25 Remedial Education Program (REP) Guidance. These sessions will not be recorded, and registration is required.
Dates: February 12th, March 12th, April 16th, May 21st, June 18th
Time: 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM
ELA Graduation Guidance Open Office Hours
Each session will begin with a 20-minute update of a key topic related to the new guidance. The remainder of the hour will be dedicated to open Q&A, allowing participants to ask questions, seek clarification, and share feedback and examples of what their district is doing. Since these are open sessions, feel free to drop in as best meets your schedule.
February 10, 2025 (Session 2): Graduation Guidance – Acceleration & Enrichment
March 10, 2025 (Session 3): Graduation Guidance – Supports & REP
April 14, 2025 (Session 4): Course Descriptions – The Flexibility of Georgia’s K-12 ELA Standards
May 12, 2025 (Session 5): Course Descriptions – ELA Electives Showcase
June 9, 2025 (Session 6): Countdown to School Year 2025-26 – What do you need?
Time: 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM
Adolescent Literacy: Effective Instructional Practices Series
Join Keys to Literacy and the Georgia Department of Education for this series of engaging live webinars where you will explore evidence-based strategies to enhance literacy outcomes for students in grades 4-12. Participants will leave equipped with actionable insights to transform literacy instruction and support all learners effectively.
February 10, 2025: Effective Comprehension Instructional Practices (suitable for all teachers) – Discover how to enhance comprehension instruction with research- and evidence-based strategies designed to meet the diverse literacy needs of adolescent learners. Attendees will leave with practical tools and strategies to enhance their students’ reading comprehension, ensuring that all learners are better prepared to engage with and comprehend texts in the ELA and content area classrooms and beyond.
March 3, 2025: Effective Vocabulary Instructional Practices (suitable for all teachers) – Discover how to enhance both direct and indirect vocabulary instruction with research- and evidence-based strategies designed to meet the diverse literacy needs of adolescent learners. Attendees will leave with practical tools and strategies to grow students’ vocabularies across all subjects.
April 7, 2025: Effective Writing Instructional Practices (suitable for content area teachers) – Explore effective strategies for integrating writing into subject-specific instruction for students in grades 4-12. Participants will gain practical techniques for implementing quick writes in their classrooms, understand how to connect writing with reading strategies, and leave with ready-to-use templates to engage and support adolescent learners in various content areas, including ELA.
May 5, 2025: Connecting the Writing Rope and Reading Rope with Keys to Literacy (suitable for all teachers) – Discover how the interconnected strands of writing and reading can be leveraged to enhance literacy instruction. This session will explore the connections between Scarborough’s “Reading Rope” and Sedita’s “Writing Rope,” and it will highlight the reciprocal relationship between writing and reading. Participants will leave with a deeper understanding of and practical methods for aligning writing and reading instruction, as well as resources to support student literacy development.
Time: 3:30 PM - 4:30 PM
Special Education Directors' Webinar
The K-12 Special Education Directors’ webinar is held monthly to support districts in the implementation of IDEA and improve results for students with disabilities.
Dates: February 11th, March 11th, April 8th, May 13th
Time: 1:00 PM - 2:30 PM
Let's Talk ELA, GA!
The Georgia Department of Education English Language Arts content team invites leaders throughout the state to join a virtual professional learning series to prepare for the implementation of Georgia’s K-12 English Language Arts Standards. Important updates will be provided monthly to support leaders. There will be time set aside monthly for attendees to ask questions pertaining to the standards. These sessions will not be recorded, and registration is required.
Dates: February 13th, March 13th, April 17th, May 15th, June 12th
Time: 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM
Let's Talk Math, GA!
The Georgia Department of Education Mathematics Team invites mathematics leaders throughout the state to join a virtual professional learning series to support the implementation of Georgia’s K-12 Mathematics Standards. Important updates will be provided monthly to support district leaders.
Dates: February 21st, March 21st, April 25th, May 16th, June 20th
Time: 1:00 PM - 2:00 PM
Instructional Tech Talks
The goal of the Instructional Tech Talk (iTT) initiative is to inspire and equip a community of Instructional Technology Specialists, academic coaches, and others by creating a platform where participants can share personal stories, struggles, successes, and EdTech resources and tips with each other to recharge the coaching batteries. Each iTT session features guest speakers who charge up and engage participants in inspiring Q&A time.
Dates: February 25th, March 25th, April 22nd
Time: 1:00 PM - 2:00 PM
Federal Programs Timely Talks
During each monthly Timely Talks session, GaDOE Federal Programs staff share right-on-time guidance that informs upcoming grant cycle topics. All federal programs leaders are encouraged to register and participate in this series that addresses overarching topics relevant to all programs. Each session includes dedicated time for questions and answers. While live participation is encouraged, each session is recorded and posted in the GaDOE Community Professional Learning Catalog for later viewing.
Dates: February 25th, March 25th, April 29th, May 20th
Time: 10:00 AM - 11:00 AM
ESOL Directors Munch and Learn
This webinar series will provide ESOL program leaders with information, resources, and updates for managing their language programs, including guest speakers from GaDOE and other institutions, as applicable.
Dates: February 26th, March 19th, April 16th, May 7th
Time: 11:30 AM - 1:00 PM
Phenomenal Mathematics and Science
Join the Georgia Department of Education’s Mathematics and Science Department for an engaging professional learning series. These workshops will focus on developing a comprehensive roadmap that integrates mathematical and scientific concepts. Educators will collaborate to create strategies and resources that enhance interdisciplinary teaching, making mathematics and science more cohesive and impactful in the classroom. This series is designed for teachers, instructional coaches, and curriculum developers.
Date: February 26th: Connected Learning- Advancing Phenomenal Teaching and Learning with PBL and Integrated Tasks
Time: 8:30 AM - 11:30 AM
We’re excited to invite you to the upcoming Literacy Leaders Institute, where educational leaders from across our region will come together monthly to drive school and district-wide literacy improvement. This opportunity is designed for literacy leads, elementary educators, school and district leaders, instructional coaches, and literacy coaches. Together, we will explore effective strategies for high-quality literacy instruction while fostering a community dedicated to achieving literacy excellence.
Learning Objectives:
Foundations and Effective Literacy Practices: Understand the core components of effective reading instruction and how to implement research-based practices within any curriculum.
Coaching Strategies: Explore effective coaching models, observation and feedback techniques, and professional development strategies to support literacy growth.
Leadership in Literacy: Develop skills to lead literacy change, build collective commitments, and strengthen Professional Learning Communities (PLCs) focused on literacy.
Data-Driven Instruction: Enhance skills in leading data-driven discussions, utilizing assessment data, and applying progress monitoring techniques to inform instructional decisions.
Don't miss this chance to connect with peers, share ideas, and shape the future of literacy education in your school or district. We are so excited about this opportunity to grow together as Literacy Leaders and Coaches!