Virtual Classroom Connection Challenge

For the virtual classroom connection it was difficult to find a suitable idea. We brainstormed quite a lot until we knew that we wanted some sort of organizer. We put ourselves in the shoes of virtual people and found that scheduling homework is very challenging. From there we put our ideas into tinkercad and assembles our day organizer. Some people don't realize how much work they have during the week until it's too late for them to finish, say, the night before everything is due. So, in a way, it is materializing the amount of work you have to show you how much you need to get done, therefore giving you more of a perception as to how much time it will take.


While making the calendar, we went through many iterations of it. The first iteration was simply a box with dividers in it. We thought it was pretty good, until we noticed a problem. The counting balls were rather difficult to remove and reuse, so we made and efficient design that allows the user to only have to remove one ball at a time. The other option was to have everything fall out at once.