Getting Involved

This page includes a call for proposal and compensation information for participants and facilitators.

If you have an idea for the TLC that doesn't quite fit on the Information Gathering Form, please send us an email:

Call for Proposals 

The TLC is looking for engaging & informative presentations, short videos, curated reading and/or playlists, and multi-session events or virtual learning communities (VLCs).

Share your passion for teaching & learning with your Pima colleagues at the TLC! Please submit your idea to the TLC Information Gathering Form, and we’ll be in touch soon. 

In general, our events take one of two forms: 

All faculty may benefit from continued professional development through the Adjunct Faculty and Full Time Faculty Overload Rate (aka Tier System). 

In addition, all faculty are compensated for facilitating a workshop or VLC through the TLC. Adjunct faculty are compensated for attending events at 25/hr.