Liberatory Writing Across the Curriculum

LWAC Vision, Mission, and Goals

Vision (our aspirations)

Justice and empowerment through liberatory writing, language, and research practices.

Mission (what we do & how we do it)

Support and empower student writers in all disciplines through liberatory write-to-learn curriculum and facilitate Pima’s interrogation of the language and structures of white (cisgender, heteropatriarchial) supremacy by maintaining a college-wide discussion of writing and its related elements of language and research, defining and promoting writing best practices in writing-intensive courses, and providing spaces for cross-program conversation through peer cohorts of faculty and staff.


To find out more, contact: Carolyn McKee and Harmony Sedgwick-Hazard

Opportunities to work with LWAC

LWAC is fortunate to be able to host two Fellowship opportunities for Spring 2024: The LWAC Social Justice Fellowship, and The LWAC Equitable Assessment Fellowship. See applications below. 

LWAC Social Justice Fellowship: 


Do you have a project you would like to do that supports the college’s LWAC initiative (see below)? Would you like to work on your project within a supportive community of colleagues?

For our 3rd fellowship, we invite faculty to design a project to bring more justice and equity into their classrooms, curriculum, and/or pedagogy. Some of the topics we'll discuss will include culturally-relevant pedagogy, equitable assessment, power dynamics, Universal Design, anti-racist teaching, and trauma-informed pedagogy. This is a chance to reflect on your teaching and build within a peer community of faculty, while also receiving a $775 stipend.

While all applications are welcome, the LWAC co-coordinators Harmony Sedgwick-Hazard and Carolyn McKee are particularly interested in supporting LWAC projects in disciplines other than Writing where a lot of LWAC work is already taking place.

Do you have an idea that isn't fully developed? Feel like you need to learn more about these principles in order to incorporate them into your project? Even if your idea isn't fully fleshed out or if you feel new to the above concepts, please consider applying anyway! The goal of the fellowship is to share knowledge and grow with a group of committed educators. Pitch your project in whatever form it is in right now, as it is expected to develop throughout this process. Feel free to reach out to us to discuss your project further.

Commitment Expectations: Selected participants will complete approximately 25 hours of work (approximately half in meetings and half in project work) over the second 8 week session (starting the week of March 25th and ending by May 19th with a potential follow-up meeting in Fall 2024).

Apply here!

LWAC Equitable Assessment Fellowship

Applications Closed

For our 1st Equitable Writing Assessment Fellowship, LWAC (The Liberatory Writing Across the Curriculum Collective) invites faculty to complete a project focusing on bringing more justice and equity into their writing assessment practices. Some of the topics we'll discuss will include whiteness, anti-blackness, intersecting and interlocking systems of domination, anti-racist writing assessment, decolonization, contract grading, and labor based grading. This is a chance to reflect on your writing assessment practices, learn, and build within a peer community of faculty.

LWAC invites all faculty (full-time and adjunct) from across disciplines to apply. Applicants can be new to or well versed in equitable writing assessment, and they may have a project in mind (like revising rubrics, grading systems, or feedback styles) or develop one during the fellowship.  Part of LWAC's mission is to connect STEM and humanities through the collaboration, connection, and cross-pollination of ideas.

Fellowship commitment: Plan on devoting 30 hours (10 hours on readings, 10 hours in meetings, 10 hours on the project and peer review) 

Meeting Days and Times: Tuesdays from 4:00-5:30 pm beginning 2/27 and ending 4/23

Modality: Zoom 

Compensation: $930

Application: CLOSED

Deadline to apply: 2/16