Spring Testing Information

All state testing will take place on campus at your student's home school*. Please check your school's Schoology Homepage for details about drop-off and pick-up on testing days. See all testing dates listed by school in the charts below. For more information please reach out to your student's school:

What to bring on my testing days:

  • Fully charged chromebook

  • Face covering

Spring PCVA Testing Dates

*SC Pass & SC Ready (3rd-8th)-These state tests may only be administered on campus in a face to face setting. There “is no penalty at the student, teacher, school, district or state level” if a parent choses for their child not to test, but without the results of the assessment information, there also are some benefits not available. This includes initial data to identify students for additional services such as Gifted and Talented, accelerated courses, and other specialized instructional programs (data for IEP services, etc…). Please let your student's teacher know if you will be opting to refuse testing this spring. Your student's teacher can also help you understand the benefits that may be missed if you choose not to test.

*End Of Course Exams (8th-12th)-These tests may only be administered on campus in a face to face setting. The overall weight of the EOC was reduced to 10% of the final course grade (instead of the normal 20%) for the 2020-2021 school year. The EOC is required to earn credit for these courses. If a student does not attend testing on campus, they will receive an "I" (incomplete) for the course until they are able to take the EOC exam. SDPC will work with students to makeup this test during the summer or fall but it is most beneficial for the student to take the exam soon after completing the content of the course.