K-2 World Languages

Spanish K-2 Materials

The year is composed of four 8-day modules.

Lesson Guidance documents outline the 8 days of each module, and include activities to support additional days of instruction. 

Visual Aids refer to Slide Decks that illustrate words, sentences, and stories.

Printable Classwork sheets are designed to be printed physical copies for students to use.

Year 1

Year 1 materials are for the first year of a student's learning.  All Kindergarten students will start with Year 1. In the first year of a new program, 1st and 2nd graders will also work from Year 1 materials.

Year One At-a-Glance

ACTFL Communication Standards for Year 1

Listening Comprehension: Novice 1

Students at this level can listen to simple sentences and recognize a few very practiced words with the help of visuals/gestures.

Interpersonal Speaking & Listening: Novice 1

Students at this level can answer simple binary questions by recognizing a few very practiced words with the help of visuals/gestures.

Presentational Speaking: Novice 1

Students at this level are producing very limited memorized language, usually with one- or two-word phrases or repeating after a teacher.

Intercultural Communication: Novice 1

Students can identify some products related to familiar everyday life in their own and other cultures.

Language Functions in this unit: 

Greeting: saying hello and goodbye

Introducing: saying my name 

Naming: familiar objects, important people in school 

Describing: quantities (1-5), size (big/small)

Actions:  basic verbs of movement and classroom actions 

Language Functions in this unit: 

Greetings: asking how someone is 

Naming: classroom objects

Describing: quantities (1-10), colors (red, blue, green, yellow)

Expressing: emotions, likes and dislikes 

Language Functions in this unit: 

Expressing: age, what you are wearing, birthday

Naming: months of the year,  clothing

Describing: weather, Mexico and its culture

Language Functions in this unit: 

Greeting: greetings for different time of day

Naming: days of the week, body parts, people in my circle of care

Describing: colors, speed (rápido, lento), height (bajo, alto)

Year 2

Year 2 materials are for the second year of a student's learning.  1st graders who started Spanish in Kindergarten will work from Year 1 materials, as well as 2nd graders in relatively new programs. 

Year Two At-a-Glance

ACTFL Communication Standards for Year 2

Reading Comprehension: Novice 1

Students at this level can read simple sentences and recognize some very practiced words with the help of visuals/gestures.

Listening Comprehension: Novice 1 → Novice 2

Students at this level can listen to simple sentences and recognize some practiced words about everyday topics with the help of visuals/gestures.

Interpersonal Speaking & Listening: Novice 1 → Novice 2

Students at this level can answer simple questions about everyday topics by recognizing practiced words with the help of visuals/gestures. They can ask some short questions.

Interpersonal Reading & Writing: Novice 1

Students at this level can answer simple binary questions about everyday topics by recognizing practiced words with the help of visuals.

Presentational Speaking: Novice 1 → Novice 2

Students at this level are producing some memorized language, usually with one- or two-word phrases. 

Intercultural Communication: Novice 1 → Novice 2

Students can identify some products and practices related to familiar everyday life in their own and in cultures that speak Spanish.

Language Functions in this unit: 

Greetings: saying hello and  goodbye in different ways

Naming: introducing myself and someone else 

Describing: how we are and what we do, objects (largo)

Expressing:  agreement, disagreement, remorse (lo siento)

Language Functions in this unit: 

Greeting: greeting each other and taking leave in a variety of ways

Naming: things we like, dislike, and love, classes at school, Spanish-speaking countries, Mexican food and landmarks

Describing: Spanish-speaking places (esp. Mexico)

Actions: high frequency action verbs, going to

Expressing: likes, dislikes, favorites, what we have/don’t have

Language Functions in this unit: 

Naming: places to go

Describing: neighborhoods, places and things near and far 

Expressing: favorite places to go, weekend plans, where we live

Actions: future weekend plans

Language Functions in this unit: 

Greeting: greetings for different time of day

Naming: days of the week, body parts, people in my circle of care

Describing: colors, speed (rápido, lento), height (bajo, alto)

These materials are in development and will be posted soon!

Year 3

Year 3 materials are for the third year of a student's learning.  2st graders who started Spanish in Kindergarten will work from Year 1 materials. 

Year Three At-a-Glance is coming soon

These materials are in development and will be posted soon!