How do I get into the Northeast IB Diploma Program?

All students at Northeast are welcome to apply to the IBDP during the Sophomore year for participation in Junior and Senior year. Pre-requisite courses are Algebra 2 and Geometry. Prior to the application season, students will learn about the IBDP during SLC and Class Assemblies throughout the fall of the Sophomore year. Applications will be made available in December and due in January. Applications are reviewed in January and decisions made by mid-February.

Students applying to Northeast High School IBDP from another school must use the special admission code 8020I during the school selection process in October.

How do I know if Northeast IB is right for me?

Qualifications of a successful IB student include a willingness to work hard, the time and energy to dedicate to that workload, an openness to be challenged academically and personally, a strong support system, and an above average academic aptitude. A student does not have to be the “smartest in the class” to do well in IB; rather, of utmost importance are a determination and eagerness to learn.

How do I find out more about the IB Diploma Program?

2021 IBDP FLYER PAGE 1 Parents Counselors.pdf
Website Combined info pack.pdf