Research shows that daily school attendance is critical for every student’s academic success and social-emotional well-being. Students with good attendance are more likely to:
read on or above grade level
perform well in math
build healthy, lasting relationships at school
and successfully graduate high school on time
For more information and resources, visit the school district website at
Attendance Policy & Expectations
Who must attend school?
Under Pennsylvania law, all students between the ages of six (6) and eighteen (18) must attend school every day.
Once a student is enrolled in school, this includes students in kindergarten, they are subject to compulsory school laws until the student reaches age 18.
A parent/guardian who enrolls their child in kindergarten may formally withdraw their child from school prior to reaching compulsory school age (age six), at which point the child would no longer be subject to compulsory school laws until they turn six (6) years old.
When can a student's absence be excused?
An excused absence is when a student is absent from school for a reason identified by the District as legitimate, valid and reasonable. The following conditions or situations are examples of reasonable causes for absence from school.
Obtaining professional health care or therapy service
Recovery from accident
Required court appearance
Death in family
Educational, project or performance (i.e. music/dance/stage) related trip/tour under specific conditions
College tours, trade school tours, career and technical training program tours, community college tours, or tours of other non-District schools, with prior approval.
Observance of a religious holiday observed by a bona fide religious group, upon prior written request from the person in parental relation.
Family Emergency (An unexpected, serious event that is outside of the control of the student’s family).
Other urgent reasons that may reasonably cause a student’s absence, as well as circumstances related to homelessness and foster care.
Some of these events have their own conditions that need to be met in order for the absence to be excused.
You can also learn more in the District's 204 Attendance Policy.
Excused Absence Procedure & Written Note*
The District’s attendance policy requires written excuse notes explaining the absence.
Contact the child’s school to verify ways excuse notes may be submitted.
Excuse notes must be given to the school within three (3) days upon the student’s return to school. If the note is not submitted to the school within the required time frame, the day(s) may not be excused.
Excuse notes must include the student’s name, date(s) of absence(s) and a valid telephone number or other means of contact for verification purposes.
All absences resulting in a total of three (3) or more consecutive days due to illness will require a written excuse note by a licensed healthcare provider. Excuse notes from a healthcare provider may also be submitted in lieu of a parent note for any absence.
For absences that do not total three (3) consecutive days, parents may submit a written excuse note stating the reason for the absence.
When a student has been absent due to illness, excused with a parent note, totaling eight (8) days (cumulative), all subsequent absences may require a written excuse note from a licensed healthcare provider.
*The submission of notes does not guarantee automatic excusal of absences and are subject to school review to determine the validity of submitted notes.
Unexcused/Unlawful Absences
An absence is considered “unexcused” or “unlawful” when either a written note was not submitted to the school upon the student’s return from the absence (in accordance to written note protocol), or the reason provided in the written note by the parent/guardian was deemed invalid by the school, and did not meet the conditions or situations outlined in the District’s 204 Attendance Policy.
Examples of invalid excuses include (but not limited to):
waking up late
illness of a family member
family vacation
Note: An out-of-school suspension may not be considered an unexcused absence.