School Nurse

A Message from the Nurse

Hello Mastbaum AVTS!

My name is Christina Dzielinski-Yancer ("Ms. Chris") and I am the Certified School Nurse for Mastbaum AVTS.  During the school day the easiest way to contact me until we have returned to the school building is via email.  My email is

As we begin the 2022-23 School Year, I am attaching several forms that you may need to have completed at your son or daughter's doctor appointments.

For ALL Students: Each year, the district and state require that every student complete the Student Health Status Form (S865).  This form provides valuable updates on your son/daughter's health conditions as well as provides permission for your child to receive Tylenol and/or ibuprofen during the school day.  Without this form completed, we are unable to provide these medications to your child during the school day.

Immunization Requirements:  All students are required to be up to date with their immunizations.  Please be sure that your child is up to date with all required district and state requirements.  A copy of the required immunizations is attached.

For students entering the 12th Grade: There is a second Meningitis vaccine/booster required.  Please be sure to make an appointment with your child's doctor and have your child receive this vaccine if they have not already done so.  Please be sure to email me proof of the vaccines received.

Physical Examinations:  All 11th grade students are required to have an updated physical completed by their primary doctor.  Please be sure to schedule an appointment with your child’s doctor and have the attached form—MEH-1—completed at the visit.

For students who require MEDICATION in school:  For any student that require to take medication during the school day (such as asthma inhalers, diabetes medications, ADHD or seizure medications, etc.), please see the attached medication (MED-1) forms.  There are specific forms for seizures and asthma inhalers; all other medications can use the standard form.

For students who require a GYM EXEMPTION:  For any student that has a diagnosed medical condition that is unable to fully participate in physical education upon return to the school building, please have the attached Medical Exemption (MEH-23) form completed.

Once you have any medical forms completed, etc, please email them to me.  As well, don’t hesitate to email me at with any questions or concerns.  I look forward to working with you all this school year.

Stay Healthy!