Grade 6 Unit 1

Fever 1793 is the story of fourteen-year-old Mattie Cook and her coming-of-age experience during an outbreak of yellow fever in her city, Philadelphia. As this disease spreads, the city’s normal activities come to a halt and people must confront its deadly effects. This story not only follows Mattie through a time in her life when she realizes the need to grow up quickly, but it also sheds light on society as a whole – the way that humans react to crises, how class and race influence people’s experiences with disease, and the ramifications of limited medical knowledge during an epidemic. 

Big Ideas

Culminating Task: 

Return to the Epilogue in Fever. On p. 242- 243 Mattie is describing what she sees outside when she opens the front door. Her description of how Philadelphia had “moved on” (p. 243) would be seen all over the city. Depending on where someone lived, what their life was like, they may see the same things, but react to them in different ways.  

Pick a character from the story. Imagine their life 6 months later– at the beginning of spring. Write a letter that your character might send to a good friend describing how they feel, what their life is like, what they see when they open their front door. What are they looking forward to doing? What are they concerned about?

Unit Overview: this document includes Big Ideas, Essential Questions, Historically Responsive Framework connections, and alignments to SEL, CEW, and core resources. 

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📍 Fever 1793: Unit Overview