
Resource Guide

Dear Penn Hills Charter School of Entrepreneurship Stakeholder:

We are continuing to update our Resource Guide for our community stakeholders—and would like to include your business!

Our Resource Guide will serve as a listing of businesses that our families and stakeholders represent. By listing your business in the Resource Guide, you can advertise to other families and community stakeholders who may be interested in supporting your business.

There is NO CHARGE to list your business in the Resource Guide, but time is limited!

To take advantage of this unique opportunity, provide us with the following information along with your business’s high-resolution logo (preferably in .ai, .eps, or .jpeg).

  • Business Category (examples: Real Estate, Accounting, or Home Health Care)

  • Company Name

  • Owner/Contact Person

  • Company address

  • Phone number

  • Email address

  • Website

Please email these items to Ms. Terri Williams @

by May 7, 2021.

Please take a moment to review our current Resource Guide (click here).

Thank you in advance for your time.

Community Partners

Saturday April 10, 2021, from 11:00am to 12:30pm, will be the next open food pantry at Lincoln Park Community Center Food Pantry. All families are welcome.

The LPCC Food Pantry provides dry goods, fresh fruits and vegetables, dairy products, household and personal goods, and frozen meat to patrons on a monthly basis (all pantry items are subject to availability and not guaranteed during any distribution). The LPCC Food Pantry also distributes the Commodity Supplemental Food Program (CSFP) aka “Senior Box Program”.

The LPCC Food Pantry currently operates out of the Lincoln Park Community Center which is located at 7300 Ridgeview Avenue, Penn Hills (Pittsburgh), PA 15235.

Because of COVID-19, the pantry operates on a limited schedule and is NOT open for walk-in service. Food Pantry distributions are currently scheduled for the second Saturday of each month.

A complete listing of the upcoming food pantry distribution dates can be found on our Events Listing page.

House System! / PBIS / Restorative Practices

House of Courage

*14,391* Points

House of Perseverance

10,349 Points

House of Respect

12,433 Points

House of Humility

10,360 Points

Keep up the great work scholars! Earn points throughout the day by participating and meeting your personal and academic goals. Encourage each other as we move forward in our studies. Have a great weekend everyone!

New Prep Academy Incentives Locker!

As we continue to grow and improve our PBIS program at PHCSE we recognized that the Prep Academy needed something different than toys other items. With the help of our Student Government Association we were able to fill our locker with items the students chose. We will be adding some healthier snack choices soon, by way of a taste testing during prep academy lunch.

Happy 4th quarter!

**Relationships Committee**

Student Voice & Resources

8 Ways to Bolster Executive Function in Teens and Tweens

"Middle and high school students suddenly face more complex schedules, tougher academic work, and an expanding network of friends. How can we help them manage it all?"

We Care

Hi PHCSE Families,

Wow! It's almost time for summer! It's hard to believe that we have made it already to the last little bit of school for the 2020/2021 school year. It certainly has been a roller coaster of a year. Take time this summer to enjoy activities with your family and loved ones.

Since we continue to not be sure what COVID will look like in a few months, here are a few strategies that might help your child(ren) get ready to start the 2021/2022 school year.

Strategies you can try to gradually expose your child to all thing school related and ease the transition:

  • Start your morning routine a week before school starts

  • Start using language such as “when you go to school” rather than “If you go to school”

  • Use visuals like a calendar to count down to the first day of school.

  • Give emotions names and start giving your child some language to help describe any feelings of anxiety or distress

  • Check-in with them before school starts. Ask them things like what they are looking forward to and what they think might be different. Validate any fears and correct any misconceptions.

  • Problem solve with them – if they have a particular worry, work with them to come up with a few solutions

  • Use your own feelings as a model to show that everyone experiences difficult emotions at times, and that there are strategies we can use to help ourselves feel better

  • Stay calm yourself. “Think about what you are going to need to help support your child with going back to school, as this will take both emotional energy and time. Think about what you can give, and if you can, recruit helpers, lighten your load for a week or two, and plan ways to also take a break for yourself.”

  • Communicate with your school.

Have a wonderful and relaxing summer! We have all earned it!


Nicole Dickinson, MSW
PHCSE Social Worker & School Counselor

Staying Mentally Healthy Over the Summer

Summer is often viewed as a time of freedom from school and structured schedules. However, this can be a time where mental health struggles need to be cared for even more. Children, teens and adults alike can experience the same mental health concerns during the summer, especially depression and anxiety.

Click on the link below to learn how to stay mentally healthy over the summer and learn some tips for each age group!

Staying Mentally Healthy Over The Summer

It's almost Summer! Get outside and enjoy and the sun. Here are a few fun outside activities to try!

Continuing Education from Home

Interesting articles for Students and Families:

Time Magazine - Ready to Experiment

Time Magazine - Boredom Buster

Parent Resources:

Pittsburgh Community Food Bank Locator

Catch Your Teen Being Good

"One of the best discipline strategies comes when things aren’t in a state of chaos with emotions running high. Catch your teen doing something good. Noticing the positive can go far to stop the negative."