
Health, Wellness, and Equity

Parents of Sixth Graders, May 1, 2021

Please keep in mind that there are additional immunization requirements for entry into the seventh grade. It is imperative that your child's immunization records be complete in order to attend the school next Fall.

Immunizations required for seventh grade are as follows:

  • 1 dose of meningococcal conjugate vaccine (MCV)

  • 1 dose of tetanus, diphtheria, acellular pertussis (Tdap), if five years have elapsed since the last tetanus immunization.

Students must provide proof of these vaccinations, proof that they are planning to have the vaccinations administered from a private medical care provider or a signed exemption form prior to the start of the school year. Please bring, mail or fax a copy of the immunization records to the school as soon as possible. Our goal is to get all students up to date so that they may remain in school. Your cooperation is greatly appreciated.


Nurse Wallace

412-793-6471 (ext 203)

PHCSE Health Corner - Spring 2021

Basic Isolation and Quarantine Tips from the Allegheny Health Department: Answers to frequently asked questions.


In April, our committee focussed on SELF CARE.

Students learned that it is okay and natural to feel different emotions. However, emotions, especially negative ones like stress, can have an effect on our mood, thoughts, perspective, and energy. Students learned the importance of recognizing when they need to take a break. They learned some specific techniques such as deep breathing and movement exercises, as well as made class lists about positive and appropriate ways to relax or calm down when upset or stressed.

Some ideas to reinforce self care at home include sharing and practicing what you do when you need take a break or calm down. Practice activities like deep breathing or stretching as a family. You can make a list of calm - down exercises and take 5 minutes each night to complete those activities as a family, as well.