
Dear Families,

As a health care provider and parent, I think it's important to reshare this important message from Principal Zuk. 

PHCSE continues to take your child's safety very seriously. Outside of our school there have been instances of inappropriate communication between peers on social media sites, text messages, audio messages, etc. PHCSE continues to block the use of social media sites on our school issued Chromebooks. We encourage you to talk about the potential risks of the internet and cell phone usage.  We appreciate your support.

Principal Zuk

The link below contains helpful resources for you to use when speaking to your child(ren). 

This month's Health Corner features material on cyber safety. It is, to say the least, eye opening. I hope you find it helpful.


Donna Wallace, RN, MSN, CSN,CRNP

Certified School Nurse

(phone: 412-793-6471 ext. 203, fax: 412-793-6473 or email:

PHCSE Health Corner - Early Spring 2023.docx



Penn Hills Charter School of Entrepreneurship (PHCSE) recognizes that we are part of an academic and cultural community committed to fostering integrity, respect, and justice. Aiming to learn from each other, we reject all forms of hate and discrimination. To ensure this, our school will continue to adopt and use inclusive practices and programs that create an opportunity for all.  In the classroom, we promote active learning about diversity that allows both students and faculty to effectively acquire cultural competence. Both in and beyond the classroom, we envision an inclusive community. 

PHCSE does not discriminate within its educational programs, activities, or against stakeholders. Students are educated in programs that foster knowledge, respect, and appreciation for the historical and contemporary contributions of diverse cultural groups to society which includes those of all sexual orientations, race, color, national origin, gender, gender identity, disability, religion, creed, and socioeconomic status. 


The Equity Committee is dedicated to enhancing the equity education at PHCSE. We strive to educate our students and staff about different cultures and how PHCSE fits into our world and society. We strive to instill respect for others who are different from us.

In February, PHCSE celebrated Black History Month!  Scholars learned about Hidden Figures of STEM through morning lessons and research! Prep Academy students attended an assembly where students in the Divine 9 sorities & fraternities from the University of Pittsburgh presented on college life. 

We invite you to come out to PHCSE's Title 1 Night on Thursday, March 2nd from 6:00 to 7:00 pm to see all of the door decorations and research students created!

In March, our scholars will be learning about Women’s History.  Scholars will dive into learning about influential women from different cultures, from women inventors to amazing athletes.   Scholars will then have an opportunity to write a thank you card to an important woman in their life.