Useful Links

I LOVE using iXL. This website allows for differentiation in the classroom as well as more individualized help. When a student gets a question wrong, the website goes through a step by step instruction of how to get the question correct the next time!

Quizlet is something I'm using this year to assist in differentiation! We have flashcards on the website to assist in terms that students need to know and practice. Use the above link to join our class!


Whether it's Tim or Annie with Moby, there are so many good videos to supplement our education on BrainPop! Students can re-watch videos, play games, and take quizzes. This is a great way to review items at home!

Go Math! is our new math curriculum this year. Each student will have a username and password to log-in and use all of the resources at home. For those new strategies (I know, where did the old ways of math go?!) that the kids are using, there are even VIDEOS to show how to use each strategy!

Log in using your student's lunch # for the username and their birthday (mmddyyyy) for the password.

Even though we are using differentiation for spelling, I still put my words up on spelling city to practice. I use different colors to "sort" my groups so your student can look for the color group and practice their individual words. 50% of their spelling grade is for spelling correctly and 50% is from sorting the words correctly.

Remind is my classroom communication app for this year! Please sign up for text updates or download the app!

Remind Invite.pdf