New Material- Science

Day vs Night and Seasons

Day vs Night and Changing Seasons Google Slides!

Read through the book pages to study on day vs night/changing seasons, read the InterActive Notes pages, then try to fill-in the blanks!

Changing Seasons worksheet at the end to test your knowledge.

Phases of the Moon

Look through the phases of the moon!

I love using this song from YouTube to help us remember the order of each phase. Fair warning- it's very catchy and will get stuck in your head!

Life Cycle of Plants, Animals + The Tides

Check out the Life Cycles of Plants and Animals and understand the tides!

Tides are strictly from the moon's gravitational pull on the Earth. Isn't that cool? Each high tide is about 12 hours apart and each low tide is about 12 hours apart. That means that between a high tide and low tide, there are 6 hours.

The Water Cycle Book Pages

The Water Cycle!

This Google Slides only has the water cycle from our science book. Look through them to read more!