3rd with

Ms. Lee

In 3rd grade, we aspire to continue the passion of learning throughout new concepts. Use the tabs to the left to explore the classroom and all that we do!

Useful links will send you to our at home and school websites for iXL, BrainPop, and spellingcity!

Amazon: If you want to donate to our classroom, here is our Amazon wish list link! We appreciate every little thing. https://www.amazon.com/hz/wishlist/ls/CZFHP2E410L3?ref_=wl_share

Check out our Wednesday folder "Keep At Home" Reminders on our Wednesday folder page!

Action Photos will leave you smiling! These kids are full of energy and cute pics!

Digital Learning has become a big part of our curriculum (especially with the Co-Vid 19 pandemic). Click on the digital learning tab to check out some virtual lessons and some helpful reminders!

Useful links connect all of our different sites we use as a district as well as some of my personal favorites!