Pirate Diaries:

 A Grammar Adventure!

Mission of the adventurous grammar project

In the bustling halls of Professional school of mechanical engineering “ Prof. Tzvetan Lazarov”, called Mehanoto in short from now on, there is one eighth grade filled with students who are well known for their exceptional creativity and passion for learning. They are avid readers, always engrossed in tales of adventure and discovery. It is no surprise that their favourite subjects are History, ICT and English where they could explore the fascinating narratives of the past.

One day, during a History class, their teacher introduced the topic of pirates. The class was captivated by stories of daring voyages, hidden treasures, and the swashbuckling adventures that pirates embarked upon. Suddenly, an idea sparked in their mind. What if they could create a book that documented the fictional diaries of pirates?

Driven by their passion, the students dedicated countless hours to extensive research on pirate history. They delved into books, scoured the internet, and even visited the local library. They discovered intriguing tales of legendary pirates like Blackbeard, Anne Bonny, and Calico Jack.

As they crafted the book, their teachers realized that this project had the potential to enhance their classmates' learning experience. They decided to incorporate English grammar concepts to further engage their peers. They carefully chose to focus on the study of Passive voice, as it was a challenging topic for many students in the class.

So, the adventure for the Mehano students began….

Excited by the possibilities, the students embarked on a mission to bring the creation to life. The English teacher, who was impressed by the creativity and educational potential offered guidance on refining the stories and suggested that Alex take the project a step further by creating a website where everybody could upload and edit the stories for others to enjoy.

Using their vivid imagination, groups of students had to translate and transform the stories using a variety of passive voice structures. By incorporating passive voice examples in the stories, they aimed to make it easier for each other to identify and understand this grammar concept.

Let’s sum it up. The story began from one teacher and spread to three. It is a final product of the students in VIII A grade. 

With their teachers’ support, students began developing the website, which they named "Pirate Diaries: A Grammar Adventure." The website features a collection of captivating stories, beautifully illustrated with drawings of pirates, ships, and far-off islands. Each story was carefully designed to highlight specific instances of passive voice usage.

We hope that excitement will buzz through the school as the website is launched and shared. The stories quickly will gain popularity. Our goal is that students from Mehanoto, and not only, will begin visiting the website regularly to read, learn, and discuss the fascinating tales of pirates while enhancing their understanding of Passive voice.



Some grammar :)

Logbook Day 1

 All over seas I am known as  Captain Kolovski. Me, my crew and my ship we are headed to open waterin order to find  the treasure of the most feared pirate Jake Marcos. He is known for his victories in  open water battles. My right hand is crazy George, and my left hand is the one-eyed Alexandrius, and on my shoulder is my faithful assistant Potty the Parrot. If we find the treasure of the most feared pirate, I will become the most powerful pirate in the seas and my crew would be well paid. The faithful people in my team who travel with me on my mighty ship are the cook Dentisis, on the cannons are the twins Varios and Nikitosna, the rudder is called Ivan the one-armed and on the sail is Gosho the owl, and in the captain cabin there I am-  Captain Kolovski. The treasure map that was found days ago is in my hands and it is well kept in my inner pocket. We are all on the ship which is named The "Unfortunate Fortress".

Logbook Day 2

It has been a day since we left the hermitage, the weather is fine with no evident problems. Everyone is happy and dancing, singing songs, but at one time our ship stopped and a bottle was brought to us by Ivan the one-armed. The vry bottle wwas sent by from the deceased Jake Markov and it said "Whoever finds this letter, that means he has followed my steps and wants to find my lost treasure Be careful, though, many obstacles  are waiting to be encountered. Only a groan was heard by  my crew,  they fell asleep and I continued to unravel Jake Markov's map but that was too complicated for me that night.

Logbook Day 3

Everyone’s at work and I’m still figuring out the card and the letter from Jake Marcos. When I went on deck I saw that there was an island ahead of us and told the crew to stop to rest and look for provinces. The crew got the boat out and rowed to the island.There were many coconut trees on the island. I went inside,but lot of bushes were on my way. Ivan the one-armed was gone.They went to look for him,but I found only his sword and his footsteps.He was found tangled in vines and everyone laughed at him.  I thought over whether we would be able ever to find the treasure. 

Logbook Day 4

We left the island. The crew is cleaning the deck of the ship, and I am in my cabin with my faithful right-hand man Jorko, the Mad and the One-Eyed Alexandrios. As everything was going well, we were suddenly attacked by a mysterious ship. I went out on deck and looked around with my binoculars, I saw the ship, there were no pirates on it, but only skeletons. I shouted- Everybody on weapon - and my men stood on the guns. We attacked them. The skeletons had a strong ship, but we did not give up on them. They were guarding something. We fought and fought and finally they were defeated.  A key was found on board, but it was not just any key, it was the right key to open the treasure of JakeMarcos. The enemy shipwas set on fire and  sunk, after that we continued ssailing on open water. To sum up, we've got the map and the key to the

treasure so long, we just have to find it.  

Logbook Day 5

Land has not been seen in weeks, supplies are running low, and some of the crew are starting to question whether the treasure is real. I keep telling them we've come this far and we can't go back. It got dark, everyone sat down to dinner and the one-eyed Alexandrio asks what we will do with the gold when we find it, everyone says they will buy weapons, and I will rest on an island. Everyone shouted "Hooray" for the captain and songs are being  and drinks are being drunk. The next day it was foggy and bad and nothing could be seen. The sea was calm too calm indeed as if there was something to come. I remembred thatit was written in the letter there will be many traps to get to the treasure. There were many planks and sails of ships in the sea, there was some kind of a monster, but nothing was moving. At one point a tentacle rose up and nearly hit the ship. This monster was big with big tentacles. That was a huge, monsterous cuttlefish that wanted to hit my pirate ship. This monster was even bigger than my ship. It was hiding under the water and wanted to attack us from below. It raised us but we fired at him with quills but stillno result. In vain went the fight with swords also. The ship was starting to collapse, and we still didn't know how to defeat the monster. At some moment, I noticed that his forehead was red from an electric eel sting. So, we fired there and he released the ship from its grip. The ill-fated fortress was quite shaken by the giant cuttlefish, so it had to recover before it burst from below and water flooded in.  

Logbook Day 6

The weather was bad, a lightning pierced the sky, the ship rocked on the waves. There were no animals. The crew were waiting for dinner, which the cook was preparing. While we were waiting for dinner, I heard a loud bang, as if it had hit the ship. When we got out, we saw that the mast was about to fall. I immediately called the crew, they took ropes, threw them around and began to pull very hard . But the wind was very strong, as if it didn't want us to find Jake Marcos' treasure. The treasure of the most feared pirate roamed with his ship in open waters. The weather is calmer, the water is very clean and calm. I had my crew start preparing my ship. They got to work on the repairs while I looked at the map. We  thought there were countles canals  so we couldn’ find the treasur.


Logbook Day  7

Land was not seen for weeks, 

we haven't talked to our families for ages, I don't know if we will survive and if we won't die in the sea, if the myth of the treasure will remain a myth. The sun has already begun to rise over the sea, the storm has passed. All the evening we have stood to hold the mast so that it does not fall, because without a mast we cannot continue our journey to find the lost treasure.

Logbook Day 8

 The mast broke and since then, the only thing that moved us were the waves in the sea. They say that a pirate has never been left without food and a broken ship for that long. This always resulted in death or loss of faith. That’s why me and my crew won’t give up. We’ll be remembered as the legends that wandered the oceans. We haven’t seen our families in weeks. The only things we eat are dry bread and seaweed. These aren’t the best foods out there but we have to eat something so we can have the strength to dig up the buried treasure before our enemies. We haven’t seen a storm like the one that almost left us without a ship. The waves took us to an island. But not any island. There have been rumors that whoever stepped foot on it never came back. But we’re brave pirates who won’t give up. 

  We got off the ship and onto the island. The sight was sickening. There were human bones all over the ground. We left our cook Dentisis and Ivan to guard the ship.

 We decided to explore the island and find out what had happened here. It felt like someone was watching us, so we got our swords ready just in case. We were expecting to get attacked but to our surprise, a sailor came out of nowhere and told us how he and his captain were roaming the island. But sadly he was the only one that survived. I asked him for his name and the answer was Dana. I told him that he could stick with us.

The sun started to rize and we countinued the path showed by Danielostin and he said that there are many fallen trees on the way to the monster He said to us that it was huge with eight legs and a humongus body bigger than us with eght eyes and horns that coudtear trough your heart and kill you on the spot.He also said that it is in a cave further away there is his lair where he carries his victims and kills and eats them leaving only the bones as a trophy of his food.We walked trough a line of bones and we thought that we where almost at the lair of the evil monster. We stopped to take a break andsharpenj our swords so they woud be ready for battle. I said that I was going to take his head as a trophy that, i was going to hang it in my captain cabin as a trophy from the victory upon the horrible monster.Further away on the trail there where bones and on every place in the forest. Further from us the Forest was poor of life the trees where so lifeless and so empty like someonbe ate their roots as the fruits hwere empty grey and there’s only air in them. It started to get dark and we decided to make a campfire so we coud have strenght for the battle. It was already late and we fell asleep exept I coudntø cause i heard some noizes. I stood up and took my sword, then i entered a big bush to see what is going to come. I coudn’t see it well cause it was dark but it was bigwith eight huge eyes which where staring right at the crew so i got closer to it took a stick and lit it up in the fire raised it up high, it saw it and ran away. That means he is scared fo the fire and this is why it didn’t get closer. I got back to sleep and realised how to win against the giant monster.

Logbook Day  9

We haven't seen our families. we came to the island, and we have not seen the ship since we left it on the shore of that strange island. we got a new guy for my crew and I figured out how we can approach the monster with fire. We continued down the path to the monster cave. the bones remained more on the path, so we were almost there. in front of us there was a river that we had to cross and we continued. At the end, we arrived in front of a large cave next to it were bones of pirates and animals. in the cave there were bones and a lot of cobwebs, in front of us stood a big spider with horns which, when stuck in a person, drinks his blood and kills him. It was the biggest spider I have ever seen. It stood above us and threw us more inwards in the cave in order to not escape and eat us.I took out my sword and attacked it. Its legs were sharper than a razor and from its mouth was dripping blood. We surrounded it and caught its legs with cobweb to couldn’t run. It threw the cobweb and hit us. I ran away, got a stick with two stones, rub them and lit the stick and entered in the cave. When it saw the fire it got frightened. We laid a course for it immediately.We got to the ship and it was really the Jake Markos’s ship.It meant that we were very close to the island where the treasure was. I went on forward. It was getting foggy and nothing could be seen, so we decided to stop, because …we couldn’t see anything. While we

were waiting it gotdark but regrdless that we continued We were sailing and sailing and finally there was an island in front of us that was on the map. We pulled out the boat in my captain’s cabin.It was getting dark already and I told my crew to celebrate even without any food for leaving the island alive and well, with a trophy and a new person on our ship.They started singing songs and danced like it was the last time.Finally all got tired and went to sleep quickly but I was looking at the sea.

It was quiet and calm without any waves.I also got to sleep calmly.In the morning everyone was cleaning and my parrot and I were looking through the telescope.At one time I saw a ship and I wondered if it was the Jake Markos’ ship.

I let my crew go I threw the torch and he caught fire through that I waited for him and took off his head and took it as a trophy. We escaped and at the entrance there was a big rock with it. We sealed the entrance and now no one goes in and no one goes out. This island was no longer a threat and could recover from the large spider's damage. We left the island and it wss time for the treasure, I hung the spider's head on the board to be seen from far away.

We dropped anchor and continued to the shores of the island. We got the map and the legend and started to look for the place of the treasure marked with an X.We were walking and walking but still not finding anything.

Logbook Day 10

We haven't seen land or our families for weeks. Our journey is nearing its end, and the search for the treasure of the notorious pirate, Jake Marcos, has led us into battles on open waters. The island was filled with traps to protect the treasure. At every corner,  there were traps or poisoned arrows or falling traps. It was already getting dark, and we wanted to continue, but we were exhausted from the journey and the search for the treasure. We fell asleep, but I couldn't because I kept wondering if we would find it and if it was real. But since the island is real, it means the treasure must be real, too. The island is vast, and it will be difficult to find, but we will manage. We've come this far, and we won't turn back. This island was full of fertile trees and animals. It's already dark. We cut branches and leaves with our swords for firewood. We all got to the ground but first we plucked fruit for dinner and then we started singing pirate songs and camp stories. I fell asleep happy because tomorrow the big hunt for the Jake Marcos treasure begins. In the morning we got up early and continued with the treasure hunt following the map and looking for the hyx that shows the location of the treasure. They say it is full of diamonds, gold and gold jewelry. We continued on the road. We stopped and broke coconuts and broke them and made cocktails sat me down and we rested and drank cold cocktails and rested. At one time, the one- armed man came, pushed a stone and got caught in the web. We all laughed and then released him. We returned, walking without stopping to find the treasure to become the greatest pirates of the open water. They coped with all the obstacles and found the treasure of Jake Marcos. I've already started to give up, I think that the treasure is just a myth, that the island is just an island. I've already started to give up, I think that the treasure is just a myth, that the island is just an island and we're looking like fools.

Logbook Day  11

We have been on the island for several days now, searching for Jake Mark’s treasure. We continue to walk, and after days of searching, we found the spot marked by Hicks. We grabbed the shovels and started digging. We excavated a large pit, and on the side, we noticed something resembling a logo. We unlocked it, and it gleamed. Everyone rejoiced and started dancing with joy.

We took the treasure and left the island, boarding the “Blissful Fortress.” We returned to the mainland to our families and divided the treasure equally. It was truly an incredible and thrilling adventure. 



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