How would you describe the mission of this project to a friend?

A brief history

In the bustling halls of Professional school of mechanical engineering “ Prof. Tzvetan Lazarov”, called Mehanoto in short from now on, there is one eighth grade filled with students who are well known for their exceptional creativity and passion for learning. They are avid readers, always engrossed in tales of adventure and discovery. It is no surprise that their favorite subjects are History, ICT and English where they could explore the fascinating narratives of the past.

One day, during a History class, their teacher introduced the topic of pirates. The class was captivated by stories of daring voyages, hidden treasures, and the swashbuckling adventures that pirates embarked upon. Suddenly, an idea sparked in their mind. What if they could create a book that documented the fictional diaries of pirates?

Driven by their passion, the students dedicated countless hours to extensive research on pirate history. They delved into books, scoured the internet, and even visited the local library. They discovered intriguing tales of legendary pirates like Blackbeard, Anne Bonny, and Calico Jack.

As they crafted the book, their teachers realized that this project had the potential to enhance their classmates' learning experience. They decided to incorporate English grammar concepts to further engage their peers. They carefully chose to focus on the study of Passive voice, as it was a challenging topic for many students in the class.

So, the adventure for the Mehano students began….

Excited by the possibilities, the students embarked on a mission to bring the creation to life. The English teacher, who was impressed by the creativity and educational potential offered guidance on refining the stories and suggested that Alex take the project a step further by creating a website where everybody could upload and edit the stories for others to enjoy.

Using their vivid imagination, groups of students had to translate and transform the stories using a variety of passive voice structures. By incorporating passive voice examples in the stories, they aimed to make it easier for each other to identify and understand this grammar concept.

Let’s sum it up. The story began from one teacher and spread to three. It is a final product of the students in VIII A grade


With their teachers’ support, students began developing the website, which they named "Pirate Diaries: A Grammar Adventure." The website features a collection of captivating stories, beautifully illustrated with drawings of pirates, ships, and far-off islands. Each story was carefully designed to highlight specific instances of passive voice usage.


Excitement buzzed through the school as the website was launched and shared. The stories quickly gained popularity, and we hope students from Mehanoto and not only will begin visiting the website regularly to read, learn, and discuss the fascinating tales of pirates while enhancing their understanding of passive voice.



A caption for the photo

Where we are today

The creative team accomplished several notable achievements through their book and website project. Firstly, they successfully wrote and compiled a book called "Pirate Diaries," which documented the fictional diaries of pirates. The book not only provided exciting narratives but also incorporated extensive research on pirate history, making it an educational resource as well.


Additionally, they created a website named "Pirate Diaries: A Grammar Adventure" where they uploaded the stories. The website became a hub for students and teachers to access and engage with the captivating tales while enhancing their understanding of passive voice in English grammar.


The teachers are immensely proud of the team's accomplishments for several reasons. The project demonstrated how a seemingly unrelated subject like History could be used to enhance the study of grammar, making it more engaging and relevant for students.


The teachers are also proud of the impact the project had on their students' learning experiences. The book and website serve as valuable resources that encouraged students to actively explore and apply their knowledge of passive voice. By providing captivating stories and clear examples, the project made the study of grammar more accessible and enjoyable for the students.


Overall, the teachers are  proud of the team's ability to think outside the box, their dedication to research and creative storytelling, and their commitment to enhancing the learning experience for their peers. The project exemplified the power of student-led initiatives and the positive impact they can have on education.


Caption for a recent accomplishment
Caption for a recent accomplishment