
ERHS Korean Program Video.mp4

Discover more about the korean program at ERHS.

Did you know we are the only school in the state of Maryland where Korean is offered?

Click here to learn about the Korean Honor Society and here to learn about Korean Club.

Korean Course Descriptions:

  • Level 1 - In the first year of foreign language study, the sounds of the language are learned through dialogues, practice exercises and situations. The students learn to understand, speak, read, and write a limited amount of material. Students will learn to apply grammatical principles of the language to form new ideas and to communicate them. Cultural information about the countries is taught as part of the context.

  • Level 2 - The development of skills begun in the first year of the language is continued. Greater emphasis is placed on oral proficiency, listening, reading and writing. Knowledge of grammar is expanded, including object pronouns and most of the verb tenses beyond the present. Cultural information is taught through basic content readings and supplemental materials.

  • Level 3 - By the third level of a foreign language, students are required to use the language in class conversations, and read both fiction and nonfiction, including magazines and newspapers. Learning of vocabulary is greatly expanded. Some supplementary reading is required. Basic grammar is reviewed and more complex structure is taught. Cultural projects are to be carried out in the foreign language. Students are expected to write coherent paragraphs, short summaries, and outlines in foreign language. Frequent testing of listening and reading comprehension is expected in this course.

  • Level 4 - In the level 4 foreign language courses, students are expected to use the language in conversation, class discussions, in oral and written reports and research projects. Reading includes literary works, social and cultural material, magazines, and newspapers from the foreign country. Grammar is reviewed, and the finer points are analyzed through work with original compositions, summaries, reports, and some advanced translation activities. The aim is greater precision in self-expression. Students are expected to understand and write from dictation material heard for the first time. The use of the foreign language in school-wide and community projects is encouraged.