
Many students and parents have questions about tests that we take in English classes. Some tests, like the SAT and the ACT, are designed to help with entrance to college. The state of Maryland now requires students to be designated as College and Career Ready - CCR - in both English and math to graduate. Students take the PARCC to meet CCR requirements, but it is also possible to be designated CCR through the SAT, the ACT, AP tests, the Accuplacer, or college courses. The list of qualifying scores changes frequently, so check with your teacher or a testing coordinator for the most up-to-date information.

MCAP (formerly called PARCC)

The PARCC, or Partnership for Assessment of readiness for College and Careers, is administered to English 10 and English 11 students. Students who are designated as CCR on the English 10 PARCC do not have to take the English 11 PARCC.


This stands for Northwest Evaluation Association Measures of Academic Progress. The specific test we take is the NWEA MAP-R, and the R stands for reading. You may hear teachers refer to this test as just MAP. This is a reading test that all students in grades 9 and 10 take three times throughout the year to help teachers measure student reading comprehension. This helps teachers decide what texts students can read independently and what texts students may need additional support on in order to understand. This is a PGCPS requirement.


This is a test administered by The College Board that we offer to students in grades 9, 10, and 11. In grade 11, it counts for college recruitment and scholarship purposes. In grade 10, we use it to help determine AP Language & Composition placement. Taking the test in grades 9 and 10 helps prepare students to be successful in grade 11, and when they take the SAT.


Most students take the SAT, administered by The College Board, during their junior or senior year. Students can take this test as many times as they want and decide which test to report to colleges for admission purposes. Students can also use the test to prove that they meet CCR requirements.

Advanced Placement (AP) tests

These tests are also from The College Board and are recommended for students taking AP English courses. Students who earn a 3 or higher on the AP English Language & Composition exam or the AP English Literature & Composition exam may be eligible for college credits. Please check with individual colleges or universities to learn what those institutions will accept for credit. Students can use this test to show that they are CCR.


This test is similar to the SAT - it measures college readiness and can be used to apply to some colleges and universities. The format is different from that of the SAT, and it is run by a different company, ACT . Students should review the format of both exams and decide whether they want to take one or both to earn a score for college admission purposes. Students can use this test to show that they are CCR.

To register or find additional information

Students and parents should visit The College Board and ACT websites for additional information on those exams. Students are responsible for signing up to take the SAT and the ACT through the websites; however, they register and pay for the PSAT and the AP exams through the school.

Khan Academy

The Khan Academy is a free online resource that provides support and instruction in subject areas and on the SAT. We recommend that students take advantage of this.